Wilson's Creek Eildon Info

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DeathKiss said:
If anyone interested for panning .. i believe you can do it in the area as well as on the Jerusalem creek ... it states it`s a heritage territory , but also states


seems that only some marked lands are heritage , other than that , anyone knows if panning/metal allowed?

Jerusalem Creek is in the Lake Eildon National Park - you are not allowed to pan or metal detect for minerals that park.
Sorry Deathkiss, 8.(

Casper and Gravity are right, ;)
there is no prospecting/fossicking around Eildon.
Jerusalem creek is on the exemption list also, so keep the search going mate :D
DeathKiss said:
I'll go for coins :)
I'd do some research on Victoria's National Parks rules firstly. I know that the NSW NPWS legislation specifically says metal detecting/metal detectors are not allowed. Pretty sure all states are pretty much the same & I have seen it written before that metal detecting, even just for coins, is only allowed in the same Victorian prospecting allowed designated National Parks or designated areas within them + you still need to have a Miner's Right. I'll let you find it - I don't have the time or inclination to go searching at the moment.
A general rule for National Parks overall nationally is they are off limits to any mineral search &/or recovery, mineral/rock/soil removal or interference, historic or heritage item/relic interference or removal, digging or excavation of any kind - unless specifically designated otherwise.
In Victoria you are lucky to have some designated prospecting parks/parks areas. Other states are completely or 99% off limits so I would respect what you have!
Nah don't need a miners right for detecting coins mbasko

Plenty of areas around there that isn't National Park to detect for coin though, it would be hell swinging in NP anyway! The NP is a mere corner of Eildon
Well he's not asking about "other" areas he asked about the National Park area!
From memory, & I've been down this track before - think I even posted Vic Parks response on the forum somewhere, Vic Parks responded to me basically saying that you cannot dig at all, remove interfere with relics, interfere with any vegetation etc. outside of designated fossicking/prospecting areas so therefore the use of a metal detector was not allowed. There was something along the lines that the use of a metal detector in a National Park was considered fossicking & as such fossicking activities required a Miner's Right in National Parks designated areas regardless of whether you say you're not looking for gold or other minerals. I will post the official response if I can find it again or if they resend it.
Good luck convincing any governing body of any other area/s that you aren't looking for gold when using any type of metal detector in a gold bearing or gold prospecting designated area! For the price of a Victorian Miners Right why would you not have one anyway? Save yourself a lot of bother for peanuts.
He asked a question..it got answered... he hasn't even repllied and your going off like a pickle out a jar. Ill probably get a phone call tonight and explain it about NPs and if someone thinks he is finding gold with an ace 250 and a pocketful of coins..good on them.. ring cops and get it dealt with.
No ones going off except you. Your a twit!
It's been discussed before on here & elsewhere. I just put up what has been posted before, both here & elsewhere, plus what I've been told directly. Nowhere am I going off like a pickle out of a jar or whatever :lol:
There are several areas of Victorian legislation that make detecting outside of designated areas in National Parks not allowed including the National Parks Act + Regulations & other various legislative instruments such as the Heritage Act.
I prefer to deal with fact not fiction & err on the side of caution when giving advice that can potentially get unwitting people into strife.
Since it got answered I'm sure he realises now. All I said was I hadn't had the time to mention it yet.. I never said anything of the sort that he is allowed in nation park detecting. Those laws a sharp as katana

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