at the time it was very hot and very tiring and so much to take in, not to mention the amense distance and tiring inclines, i couldnt take photo every opportunity as that wasnt the main mission. the mission was to get to the peak, which at this point has not been accomplished. however these photos show some interesting structures.
at the time (the photo with red outline) i thought it was odd that these large rock was upright and almost positioned this way (like stone henge) so i took a photo. it wasnt until i got home and looked at the photo i noticed something that looked a bit strange. almost like a man had been carved into the stone on the bottom left showing a helmet head, shoulders, and body. at the top looks like an owl head. the larger rock in the background that is half cut out of the photo looks like a skull. at the time taking the photo i didnt notice this. however next time im there ill be taking a closer look as now it stands out to me.... or my imagination has got the better of me.
the photo that has many cut grooves in it is just weird i couldnt put my finger on what caused these grooves. also noticed the the rock has been broken by something powerful(maybe explosives) and destroyed the entire object leaving a fragment piece.
the photo next to the bottle, it was definitely not naturally shaped. i didnt get more angles which i wish i had as the stone looked like it was shaped to fit some where in particular. or is it just naturally shaped that way.
and last the crystaline rock which looks shaped like a pyramid,
there were many many many more interesting things to take photos of but i just didnt have the time as the area was immense and not just walking around a footbal field more like walking around an entire city so my time was limited.
i know these photos prove nothing and should be considered skeptical however my gut tells me this area is more than just a naturally formed area. i feel this area was one of an ancient civilisation that like ancient egypt or ancient mexico and so on.
australia being one of the largest continents in the world i doubt it was missed on ancient voyages and i believe the aboriginal people could be descendants from ancient advanced civilisations. excuse my spelling