When will the rain stop

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Here you go Heatho...
just for you :p

Depends on how big the dart board is. :lol:
I think they actually got this one right.

And it looks like all that system is turning and heading down this way.

And that is not going to be good. :(

We will be on the news shortly I would say. :awful: :awful:

Just stay safe every one please.
Mackka said:
Yes LW but whom believes the Weatherman?

Me..... I have been watching La Nina for 3 months now. Its quite interesting actually..

Darwin had the Earliest start to their wet season for over 10yrs and one of the wettest for 10yrs as well...

The East coast was warned about this back in Oct-Nov 2000 when La Nina was starting to brew....

Guess most don't believe the long range forecasters.... But they were spot on this time...

Sydney can't blame the dam or its management, if the dam wasn't there the same amount or more water would move down those flood plains.
All flood plains should be parks and sport fieldsor even better vegetable farms , maybe relocate the buildings to sports fields and swap it over.
Just a reminder to those in flood areas, keep your phone's charged in case the power goes out. Nothing worse in a blackout and not being able to watch YouTube with only 2% battery left!
The idea is that they release the water Before the rain, not during or after... It would minimise the affect downstream...

Brisbane has learnt this now that it has cost their water board $100mil in Compensation..... :mad:

Mackka said:
That dam should have been raised even higher, but the Greens, said no.

Wouldn't matter how high the dam was Mackka, it would still flood. I've lived in the Hawkesbury area before, my parents have been there 36 years, floods are just part of life there and all the long time locals understand that.

Too many developments there in silly places, should be farmland, it used to be some of the best agricultural land in the country.
Same up here Heatho, homes built on a major floodplain and after they have been flooded 10 times since it has been opened up to housing, residents can't get insurance...

Just on the news.
Both fronts have converged and heading this way.

I really hope this will be a non event.

Just hope it is not as bad as the 1971 floods.

Google Bega Floods 1971.

That was really bad.....
Upside said:
Just a reminder to those in flood areas, keep your phone's charged in case the power goes out. Nothing worse in a blackout and not being able to watch YouTube with only 2% battery left!
You know, we used to get blackouts on a regular basis. Then Kevin Rudd became PM :( and lived just up the road and short time later the blackouts have diminished to virtually zero. That's power????

That reminds me to get 10 ltrs of standard for the 4 stroke genny just in case.
Mackka said:
Yes LW but whom believes the Weatherman?

Long term seasonal forecasts are more often than not accurate. Being seasonal most people don't pay attention, most people live in metropolitan and regional towns and focus on daily/weekly forecasts.

Test the long term winter seasonal forecast Mackka and I'll back it in its accurate :beer: I'll wait patiently for your report :) then we'll promote you to the PAF weather guru :D :sunny: :cloudy: :rainbow: :party: :cool:
Dihusky said:
Banjo68 said:
I used to live At Thora as well,about 25 years ago. Beautiful part of the world
When the river was in flood, no getting in or out. Forget how many low level bridges there were (25 or so) all go under. But most properties are up off the river
Reckon they'd be stuck for a while with this rain event.
Once got stuck there for 6 days until the river dropped enough to get out and had supplies helicoptered in.

I wonder if the Bellingen school still has the flood bell? Used to ring it to give the kids time to get on the buss for the Thora Valley otherwise they camped with other kids until the water went down. In-laws were across the river from the Steiner school, think they only had 5 or 6 bridges to cross.

Not sure about the bell. But I also used to live across the river from the Steiner school
The last property on the left before the bridge at the school.
Maybe it's the same place your I laws were living. :8
Small world.
My sister and brother in law managed the cattle stud a few kms down the road.
Macquarie river just been flagged for flooding. I'm getting nervous now, I could throw a rock from my house into it. :argh:

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