In relation to stone tools, it seems pretty clear to me. This is an excerpt from NSW Environment & Heritage site, QLD is similarly worded. I guess it is ultimately down to govt archaeologists and local aboriginal groups to decide whether an item has any real relevance to a particular site. I have been on site clearances before where such items havd been found, but have found to hold no relevance to the immediate area, but as a singular object, still hold cultural importance.
Aboriginal objects
Aboriginal objects are physical evidence of the use of an area by Aboriginal people. They can also be referred to as 'Aboriginal sites', 'relics' or 'cultural material'.
Aboriginal objects include:
- physical objects, such as stone tools, Aboriginal-built fences and stockyards, scarred trees and the remains of fringe camps
- material deposited on the land, such as middens
- the ancestral remains of Aboriginal people.
Handicrafts made by Aboriginal people for sale arenot'Aboriginal objects' under theNational Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act).
Known Aboriginal objects and sites are recorded on OEH'sAboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS).
If you find an object,you should report it to us.
Stone tools: See how tools were made by grinding or flaking stone, and learn how to look for signs of Aboriginal toolmaking in the bush.
Aboriginal scarred trees: Thousands of surviving trees in NSW bear scars resulting from removal of bark or wood by Aboriginal people in the past for the manufacture of canoes, shields and other artefacts. These scarred trees are one of the most common yet least understood items of Aboriginal heritage
Rock art: Rock art is amongst the oldest surviving human art forms. There are a number of different styles of rock art used across NSW, both of paintings and drawings and rock engravings.
The primary piece of legislation which protects Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW is theNational Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act). Under the NPW Act it is an offence to harm (destroy, deface, or damage) or desecrate an Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place, or in relation to an object, move the object from the land on which is has been situated.
Finding Aboriginal artefacts
Penalties exist for anyone who knowingly or blatantly takes or collects Aboriginal artefacts.. If you find an Aboriginal artefact, you mustleave it where it is and report the artefact and its location to the Office of Environment & Heritage. Even if you believe the artefact is in danger of being damaged the best thing to do leave it alone and report it immediately.If you do mistakenly take an artefact or find yourself in possession of one, pleasereturn it toyour local Office of Environment & Heritage office.