what? sorry? about half past 8.

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Feb 25, 2015
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Mt Gambier
About 8 or 9 months ago I copped the first of what was to be a string of sinus infections. Blocked sinuses are no fun at the best of times, but even less fun when it blocks those tubes that run between ya ears and sinuses. So I actually haven't been able to hear so good for about 8 months. After a hearing test it turns out I have lost 27% of my hearing. I can't clear the tubes no matter how much I hold my nose and blow trying to make my ears pop. Seeing a specialist in late August. Today is mrs Chewy's rdo from kid duty, so she is having a well earned sleep in, but today of all days, I have woken up almost completely deaf. That sux ass! :rolleyes:
Try out the wax candles ONLY if your doc or pharmacist said its OK to do so.

I too suffer from ear damage, right side. Feedback speaker blew a few kHz into my ear while i was setting up a stage as a sound technician / DJ. Instant bleeding and instant irreparable damage. I'm about 25% loss in that ear.

Its useful whilst arguing.. "..what..? Sorry didn't hear you..my ear..)"..

..I'll quickly edit; it takes a while to get used to but its livable. I don't want no doc touch in my sensitive ear holes in case of full damage
Cut onions up chewy,... get close to it while you are cutting and get those sinusus wet, crying,dripping(drink a few cups of water 1/2 hour before you do it) when you are all wet pop your ears as you swallow, both by holding your nose and blowing and the reverse of that by putting pressure in your ears with your thumbs and also swallowing,... repeat process a few times if needed , and see how you go,.... could also try the bowl with hot water and vicks with a towel over your head,... but onions worked for me earlier this year when my tubes bloked after a bad cold,... when the cold dried up and left me it must have left my tubes clogged,... took me days of worrying before I hit the onions. :)
Im hearing ya...pardon the pun..have had trouble with the same thing for last couple of yrs and recently polyps decided to join the party as if i wasnt having enough fun. A chronic infection in my sinuses that took 3 courses of antibiotics to clear and enough was enough have always been a shocker when it comes to doctors and usually left it to the 'she'll be right, it'll clear itself up' mentality but have finally taken the step to go see the specialist and hopefully on tue i will have some answers. I found the most annoying thing for me was my balance, although my work collegues assured me i was walking a straight line to me it felt like i was zig zagging all the way to the job and if i tried to look up at something to the side of me while walking i would damn near fall over lol hopefully the specialists have the answers we need...Wishing u a speedy recovery mate it certainly takes some of the fun out of life.
Yeah I'm really hoping for a non surgical solution. I grew up with my mum being deaf, or as she says deaf in 1 ear and can't hear out of the other. She got small pox when she was 3 and wound up with perforated ear drums, permanent damage. She only went to year 7 in school, no high school, to hard basket in those days. She used to have glasses that had a hearing aid in the arms, she'd answer the door and say to ppl, hang on, I'm deaf I'll just get my glasses so I can hear you. That got her a few odd looks. When I was born, mum had upgaded to a more modern conventional hearing aid. I've only seen pics of the glasses she used to have. She only has 20% hearing in her right ear and none at all in her left. I used to sign with mum up until I was 6 or 7, but couldn't remember it to save my life now. Kids are asking me for stuff and I can't figure out what the hell they want. This made it really hard when I did my training day with Coiltek.
Just reminded me. Ever since my ear issues, I've never been able to comfortably go into deep water or go on jet / aeroplanes. The pressure differences cause immense pain now and I never had this problem before. That's part does suck.
y4k said:
Im hearing ya...pardon the pun..have had trouble with the same thing for last couple of yrs and recently polyps decided to join the party as if i wasnt having enough fun. A chronic infection in my sinuses that took 3 courses of antibiotics to clear and enough was enough have always been a shocker when it comes to doctors and usually left it to the 'she'll be right, it'll clear itself up' mentality but have finally taken the step to go see the specialist and hopefully on tue i will have some answers. I found the most annoying thing for me was my balance, although my work collegues assured me i was walking a straight line to me it felt like i was zig zagging all the way to the job and if i tried to look up at something to the side of me while walking i would damn near fall over lol hopefully the specialists have the answers we need...Wishing u a speedy recovery mate it certainly takes some of the fun out of life.
Thanks y4k, yeah I have been almost falling over, and banging into walls everywhere, I'm kiiiiiinda starting to get used to it. Lol mum could have surgery to fix her hearing, but she won't. Reckons after not being able to hear for so long she's used to it and if she could hear again properly it would drive her nuts she reckons. Hopefully we both get a non surgical easy fix for this. I'm sure ppl think I'm vague when talking to me, but it's kind of like, I have to run what's been said thru the old brain a few times to work out what they said, almost like talking via satellite.
AtomRat said:
Just reminded me. Ever since my ear issues, I've never been able to comfortably go into deep water or go on jet / aeroplanes. The pressure differences cause immense pain now and I never had this problem before. That's part does suck.
Yep, I fly with those Ear planes, ear plugs. Supposed to equalize the pressure. I've had burst ear drums b4 from flying, no fun at all, very painful, luckily they healed good, last sinus infection I had, (always had trouble with them since I was a kid) burst my ear drum on 1 side when I popped my ears, so I'm a bit reluctant to give it the beans this time. Mind you, I have tried. Just can't get them to pop.
That's no good Chewy, I hope you get some relief soon mate. I get Tinitus in my left ear and that's enough to irritate me.
Hope the Specialist helps Chewy. I personally have found a G.P. that is E.N.T. trained and have to see her about every 12-16 mths due ear blockages due to very thin ear canals. She has the specialist tools that a City Specialist has and only costs $70 bucks a visit not the 300-400 bucks they charge in the city.
Jaros :p
Thanks MJB and Jaros. The upside of it is I haven't been in any pain this time around, just blocked up. The ears are wax free, it's all on the inside where I can't do much about it. It's just bloody frustrating for everybody involved having to repeat themselves constantly, and then I still have no idea what was said half the time. Couple of years ago I got the flu really bad, I couldn't sleep laying down as after 5 mins laying down my lungs filled up with snot. Slept in the armchair for about 2 weeks in constant pain with every breath feeling like my ribs were crushing my lungs. Mrs Chewy wanted me to go to hospital as did the drs when I got into see them. But being a big wussie when it comes to needles, and fearing they would want to give me injections I said no way. Drs did a test, and when they took the snot sample from my sinuses it was the most horrendous experience I've ever had, very painful. Imagine a sharp plastic arrow mounted on the end of an 8 inch cotton bud. Now imaginge they insert this up your shnoz and push it as far back inside your head as they can, I know how the Egyptians felt when being mumified and having a brains scrambled. 8.(
About six years ago I come back from Philippines with nasty ear infection. Doctors prescribed me number of different antibiotics including penicillin injections. After about 6 moths of no improvement my GP called some government department in Canberra to ask premision to prescribe some special supper antibiotic. That was rejected, reason being that I'm too old. My ear drums finally busted but infection persisted. When my right ear drum burst for second time, I just said to myself stuff all the doctors and took dose of antibiotics they use in Philippines to cure carabao (water buffalo). My infection finally cleared but I was left with chronic sinus problem and partially deaf. Now if I want to hear better I have to pinch my nose and blow in my ears. Improved hearing lasts for about two minutes and then it slowly fades away. To be old is pain in the neck and lower down.
Hey Chewy.. i have had a bunch of sinus work done due to a facial injury and reconstruction...
the advice i was given was sniff.. never blow... blowing can push the gunk deeper.. i know this advice is counter intuitive especially when it gives instant (short term) relief... i have also found those sinus rinsing kits work well and give relief (totally gross i know)
good luck with it bud

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