casper said:have you ever had problems getting to sleep or had too much on your mind? then try this...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMS_ykiLiQ&list=RDTvMS_ykiLiQ#t=185
.... you don't even have to listen to the words - the cadence of the song carries you away to somewhere else............zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Hard Luck said:Way back to the 70's.
Don't fear the reaper.....
just look at post 28 on here might help youSC75 said:I'm Computer Illiterate but can someone please tell me how to post a clip up straight away???
Computer Illiterate, yep thats me but check this classic out.
Boston - More Than A Feeling.