What is your favorite piece of classical music?

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I was up till 2am last night, couldn't turn it off. I had to listen to the whole thing. Not before I listened to the first two tracks a few times :D STUNNING!!! :D :D :D

I'm listening to it again as I write this.

Thanks again Terraaustralis.
silver said:
Greensleeves,.... I loved that Pink Icecream Truck(Mr Whippy). :/

Ha Haa silver,
King Henry the eighth wrote "Green Sleeves"
He was pretty fat so maybe he ate to much
Mr Whippy ice cream.
He probably got it for free for writing the theme music. ;)
Not for the faint hearted but currently watching a young violinist playing Brahms' Violin Concerto. Her name is Hilary Hahn if anyone wants to look at it on You Tube.
Beethovens Fur Elise,... clasical,but he threw in a bit of derangement,... would have been shock horror in his day,... be like tom petty throwing in some bits like the Sex Pistols. :D

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