When is the best time and weather conditions to detect to avoid EMI. Is a clear day better than overcast? Is early morning and late afternoon better than the middle of day. Is winter better than summer. For WA Goldfields.
When is the best time and weather conditions to detect to avoid EMI.
Storms even 20kms away effect the PI detectors. I don't worry about EMI, if you are unsure if its a target just swing over it again. I've found that the EMI signal is sharper and drops off quicker than a target signal. Just my take on it.I thought the only EMI sources that upset detectors were man made sources - phones, radars, power lines, buried cables etc.
I think most of these sources would not change too much during the day.
I've only got a Vanquish 540 and only have problems with buried comms cables and what I think is radar similar near a couple of yacht clubs.
I understand PI detectors may be much more sensitive.
What other things cause problems?
It depends. Sunspot activity has a huge problem with big solar flares anywhere on the globe. It has been observed with detectorists that night time is best. I think big solar flare activity is the worst personally over my time. No biggy with VLF but much so with PIs.When is the best time and weather conditions to detect to avoid EMI. Is a clear day better than overcast? Is early morning and late afternoon better than the middle of day. Is winter better than summer. For WA Goldfields.