My marbles, and a blue V can, mmmmmmmm tasty, fell outa one of my back pack drink holders while detecting, probarbly was when I was digging one of those retirement fugget signals 8.(
Narrawa said:
What have you lost while prospecting? ....Dignity. :|
Was taken deep into the scrub between Tunagulla and Waayarra by a mate (Twopointer) who wanted to share a little patch he found. Started off following some pretty good tracks in but they vanished and we were pushing our way through the scrub when we finally arrived. Three vehicles.
On arrival, i decided to pitch the shower, the good old blue tarp kind that you string up around a few trees. I set this one up round a few trees leaving the rear open to the wind, i let all in the party go before me. While i was having my turn, i looks to the campfire and see my comrades pointing and laughing in my direction. I could not make out what they were saying, so i turned around in the direction they were pointing, and there they were......a group of bush walkers...all 10 of them with cameras in hand less than 20mtrs from my white arse.
John/Twopointer distilled a mean whiskey.....and that night we sampled it....and sampled it some fact we sampled it till it was no more.![]()
Twopointer (John Odwyer) RIP ol mate, gone but not forgotten.