What happened ??

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Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
G'day folks, I save a link to that CTX not as good as the Deus Thread and I see that it has been moved or something,,

Did the discussion go south ?

thanks, John
Heatho said:
Only going say this once. The member had been previously banned not once but twice, for exactly the same reason.

What for making meatballs, my Mrs use to make them with Spaghetti, I did not know they were illegal, her cooking was not that Bad, :eek: :eek: :D :D :D

Heatho said:
Gotta love a good meatball eh. Though when you think of it, a meatball is just a lump of meat, all the magic is in the sauce. ;)
Yeah that's right, I found out the secrete ingredient, She use to put half a mug of Sherry in the sauce and it really made the difference, It was worth the wait and there were never any left overs ;) ;)


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