Is this FATE ?
I had a similar thing these last few days.
Handheld UHF radio purchased via Ebay supposed to be delivered to my home address. $47.00
Sent via AusPost delivery was attempted Sat - "No one home to take delivery" "card left to advise post office for pick up"
My kids saw a guy at the gate and told me, I headed out the door immediately, the dog was barking and I assumed that it was a guy checking out what items to steal.
I went through the gate and checked the street, we live on a corner there is a good view in 4 directions - nothing, no one and no cars. I was confused as it was about 30 seconds.
Did not even consider AusPost on Sat morning.
I checked the letterbox in case it was advertising. Nope.nothing in there.
Left me wondering.
On Monday I had an Ebay notice from the Seller that it was an attempted delivery.
In the past these go to the local Post Office in our street, 300m away, so I turned up and he had no packages for me.
But proceeded to explain the "weekend failed delivery process". I was astonished that there was a weekend delivery system.
He explained that the contracted courier can not keep the packages in his truck so they must be delivered to the nearest 'open' Post Office, his shop is closed on Sat and he told me where
it probably went, an 'open Sat' Post Office in another area. Also to call 131318 to locate it.
I called and after negotiating the robot finally spoke to a nice woman that took details and put things into slow motion of Aus Post investigation, because the 'tracking' had no data
as to where it went after 'attempted delivery', "but it should turn up soon" she told me confidently!
Of course my attention turned to phoning the Newsagent/Lotto/Auspost in the other area yesterday... the phone had a message "We are busy, call later"
Seriously ??!!
After 4 calls through the day I gave up, and was heading there today !
Well this morning there was no change to Auspost tracking system for my item, then the day went to **** with a sick kid needing attention at school, asthma attack.
So I called the Newsagent Post office again and got thru

, was told no they did not have it, I expressed that it was an Ebay item and it was 'delivered' to them, a bluff of sorts.
He took it more seriously but did not find it by tracking number, yet did by looking for my Ebay user name, he told me he got it only last night, but did not have time to scan it in.
( yeah sure )
An hour later it was scanned in, an hour after that I picked it up and he did not even get my signature or check my ID, as required.
I think I have discovered a
loophole to oblivion for Auspost items - if the courier does not scan it when dropping off at the local Post office 'handover',
and the Post Office does not scan it in for 10 days (10 days is the max they hold it for pickup, then send it back to the "Sender")
The item essentially is lost in the system, the Sender has no idea where it is, the Receiver has no idea where it is, and AusPost has no idea where it is.....
A Post Office employee could easily take possession of the item, never to be seen again !!
Not that it would ever happen....
Got to take my local Post Office a present, he is Lebanese, very focused on procedure to the point of being rude, but you know what you have got, if you understand my thoughts.
There used to be a similar loophole with SA Lotteries, cost us many 1000's of $ by staff abuse and Lotteries ignorance of a system failure that they were aware of, but did not want to change.
Glad your package eventually arrived to the buyer.