Spent the day in the triangle and i have to say the old boys must have done the hard yards. Ran a small detector and some test pans, no colours. But you know what....i had an amazing time, putting all that knowledge in, its like working in the workshop. You learn more out there, and you can feel the history, like you're right there with them. We are lucky working great pay rates and great conditions and i to my hat in memory of the oppressive nature of what they endured. So what did i learn? That most of those people that freely give encouragement, information and practices out are really helping everyone. I looked at prospecting from so may angles today, crevicing, panning, sluicing, dry blowing, following reefs, detecting, wash and flows, it all seemed to make so much sense when you're in the middle of it. I guess i learnt its not all about getting the gold. I smiled seeing the creek beds dug where you'd expect the gold to land, and some poor fellow (s) that had the I'm going to dig it all in the most heavily trashed areas. On the upside i got some copper, so metal just not what i was after, but made me smile. All in all I'm feeling content, ready to start the hunt all over again.