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Doing a bit of a tidy up on the night stands.

One night stand down another to go...All white to match every other conversion thus far.

Something about doing the job you do for yourself on a Sunday of a long weekend grinds my gears though.

MrsGT making tacos....worth it.
Prepping & painting kitchen cupboard doors.

High on paint fumes 🤣
I gotta say mate some days are easier than others....not sure what the owners make of it when we are making loud animal noises....but the day goes fast.
I gotta say mate some days are easier than others....not sure what the owners make of it when we are making loud animal noises....but the day goes fast.
I only get weekends to paint them & it has been too windy the last couple. Better conditions this weekend saw me get the paint rollers out. Thank goodness for fast drying paint!
I only get weekends to paint them & it has been too windy the last couple. Better conditions this weekend saw me get the paint rollers out. Thank goodness for fast drying paint!
Too windy to paint the kitchen? Is this your camp kitchen?
Going is search (again) of the massive nugget that has so far eluded me ;) Forecast is for 34 by 10 am so won't be a long one but hopefully a good one perhaps ? :oops: The grass is up but hasn't been much of a wet so far this year, so dying off daily.

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Good luck Gav, hope you trip over it and need help lifting it in to the bus. Dave 👍
About to watch day 5 , Aust vs Pakistan.
Only 15c, fire lit for the first time this year.
A PA member and his mate dropped in on Monday to see Goldilocks working. Of course when you want to show off is when something goes wrong and this time it was a seized conveyor roller.


So what am I doing right now? I'm building a new conveyor roller. The hardest part is finding materials but I found a piece of 100NB galvanized pipe, a piece of drill rod and a bit of 4mm plate from a drill container lid. All it needs now is to bump the bearings in and fit it up.
What I'm doing right now is toing and froing with Jaros because I'm being sencored for calling out Gem I am for what I consider disrespectful comments about others airing thier opinions
If you want to argue with Gem i am do it on PM's leave us out of it . You used the "F" word in one sentence and had a warning given. Don't take it any further.
Yeah the forum needs to calm down, but Jaros you used the term wankers to describe electric car drivers , so maybe we all need to refrain from language that is not appropriate. IMO
If you want to argue with Gem i am do it on PM's leave us out of it . You used the "F" word in one sentence and had a warning given. Don't take it any further.
Not sure what the us is here bloke ? Your not exactly a calming influence fella to be honest here. I have no doub't your probably a top bloke when the meds are working, but over many years i have seen some very odd behaviour and comments from you? Just saying is all as perhaps you need to cut others some slack a little the same as it is others afford you ? So many times it's the world according to Jaros and no I am not having a go bloke, just speaking an honest observation of your own actions. There is nothing personal here as I do not even know you, just simply don't really like what I see at times, especially when you chastise people like one would a child. Food for thought perhaps as it's actually very demeaning. One would hope that I have been polite and eloquent enough for you to not be offended one would hope ? I guess in simple terms all I am trying to say is that you don't have to beat a dog to make it sit, you need but ask. Cheers
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