Water Hole Mapping W.A

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 24, 2016
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Hey Comrads and Associates.
Has anyone on PA looked into Water hole maps in W.A ?
It`s been on my Mind for a while now.
There must be some log books kept with Gov Authorities over there shorely .
A site link below says there is GPS mapping of such a thing but i have not located anything as yet.
I`m still looking at doing a Lap around Au in the near future but i`ve been saying that regardless for a decade now.
More so i`d find it hard not to have a splash once a day especially with flies and airborne bull dust sticking to sweaty skin & there is only so much water you can carry.
The Link below says Camels are culprits on water holes maybe follow one of them.
The way fuel prices are going maybe i should try ride one of those creatures & cover both bases.



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Many years age we were new to prospecting and still trying to find our way using paper maps. We'd found a little gold in a few spots on pending ground and noted the colour of those patches on the geology maps then went looking for more pending ground of the same colour. It was in the middle of summer and stinking hot and we ended up somewhere NE of Mertondale, WA. We were actually searching for old bottles and relics when the lease holder turned up and asked what we were up to. I said we were looking for relics and then we were going to see if we could find some gold. He informed me that we were on a live lease but I told him where I thought his boundary ran, on this we disagreed but he said no problems anyway just go ahead and see what you can find. He also pointed to an area well inside his lease and said we should have a better chance over there.

It was a dry baron area of mostly read sand with a few areas of exposed rock and it was already late in the morning and getting hot. He said he was off to give his dog a swim. I enquired about where he would find water, he said that it was just a secret little watering hole only the aboriginals and a few locals knew about. Of course there's nothing like a secret to get your interest up but he shot off and there was no way to tell where he was going.

After lunch it pissed down rain and about a half hour later we saw him motoring past. I said to Mrs M "Here's our chance". We quickly packed up and followed his wet tyre tracks about six or eight kilometres to a beautiful little oasis in the desert where we camped for the night and swam with the fish the following day.

I'll never disclose the location because if I was ever to return there I'd be tripping over discarded cans and beer bottles and I wouldn't want to responsible for that.
Great idea Nightjar. Could it be modified to act like a '' jiggler" hose siphon to get water to flow out of water drums that are at ground level? wiley.
i guess Google Earth is only going to show surface water with it`s mapping overlays.
I did come across another site that had a water hole snipping tool for W.A but it`s going to take me a while to dig that one up.
Lost that bookmark.
Peruse. Endeavor and Conquer.
The thought of the Information seeking could well be under the thumb of National Security relevance to Military Secrets .
Second Option then ; 🍺🍺🍺


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Many years age we were new to prospecting and still trying to find our way using paper maps. We'd found a little gold in a few spots on pending ground and noted the colour of those patches on the geology maps then went looking for more pending ground of the same colour. It was in the middle of summer and stinking hot and we ended up somewhere NE of Mertondale, WA. We were actually searching for old bottles and relics when the lease holder turned up and asked what we were up to. I said we were looking for relics and then we were going to see if we could find some gold. He informed me that we were on a live lease but I told him where I thought his boundary ran, on this we disagreed but he said no problems anyway just go ahead and see what you can find. He also pointed to an area well inside his lease and said we should have a better chance over there.

It was a dry baron area of mostly read sand with a few areas of exposed rock and it was already late in the morning and getting hot. He said he was off to give his dog a swim. I enquired about where he would find water, he said that it was just a secret little watering hole only the aboriginals and a few locals knew about. Of course there's nothing like a secret to get your interest up but he shot off and there was no way to tell where he was going.

After lunch it pissed down rain and about a half hour later we saw him motoring past. I said to Mrs M "Here's our chance". We quickly packed up and followed his wet tyre tracks about six or eight kilometres to a beautiful little oasis in the desert where we camped for the night and swam with the fish the following day.

I'll never disclose the location because if I was ever to return there I'd be tripping over discarded cans and beer bottles and I wouldn't want to responsible for that.
Neat story Mr M. 🥰 with the price on scrap ally & glass these days i`m suprised that anything is still laying around.Trade secret on the above understandable.
Clean Oassis around anywhere these days are pretty rare.


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Photo if you search for "water retreaval" 2015
i have one in the shed but a little bit different
made of steel bore casing with a conical insert welded to the bottom with a hinged flap
that would close the end off with the weight of the sand on it
it was to clean the sand deposits out of the old bore here ,worked very well
There are thousands of drill holes through out WA. Made up a device many years ago to retrieve 5 litres of water at a time if ever we ran short. Will post photos if I can find them.
What length of rope would you need to hit water in most drill holes and what's the average depth of the water usually if you have any idea. Have you ever dropped it into say 50cm of water and pulled up muddy water.
What length of rope would you need to hit water in most drill holes and what's the average depth of the water usually if you have any idea. Have you ever dropped it into say 50cm of water and pulled up muddy water.
We found old drill holes with water usually around 15 metres down. Place a rock over the PVC on any you use to keep local fauna from certain death. Bungarra & Nightjars.
Regulations now in place that all drill holes will be plugged. You may come across a length of 15mm black plastic pipe protruding from ground, these are attached to concrete plugs in recent drill holes.
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Link above of site previously posted.
I contacted them politely asking how or who could access these GPS water hole locations in W.A.
That was a week ago & i now doubt any reply will be given.
It would seem to me as the site is based on Native Water Holes and that the information is regarded by them as confidential.
The possibility now arises that the term Big Spin Doctors in the write may well be being used to gain handouts just for donations.
Why promote things if you cannot prove them or present a Contact Form with no intentions on giving a reply.
It could just be the English language is regarded as Dyslexic and the No Response Reply it`s just protecting
The Native Tribe Mentality ; meaning once i`ve used up mine `i` want some of yours .... .
They should change their web page title from Sacred to Secret Water Holes of The Western Desert.
Water in W.A is like Gold over there folks and there is plenty of it under the ground.
If your thirsty and you need it start digging but it could cost you a Life Time in One Day.


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P/A re-edit tool timmed in 3hours i didn`t notice that in the operation instructions.
I may try and contact The Conservancy Group again on the water hole location request by message from The Gumbaynggirr Tribe.;)
I made a device like yours Nightjar with a 85cm length of pvc because that's what I had laying around and a coil of rope I had, should be plenty. I went with a pvc cap it was easier for me than canvas. Run it through a piece of pvc that was 102mm and went threw OK.IMG_20240802_164924240.jpgIMG_20240802_165001723.jpgIMG_20240802_165024053.jpgIMG_20240802_165119551.jpgIMG_20240802_165157777_HDR.jpg
Years ago somewhere on the WA Mines & Mineral site there used to be a record of all the drill holes. (Can't find it now) This would aid anyone looking for water. *** Of course the usual precautions should be taken for preparing water for drinking.***

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