Hi again wal and all

hope I am not repeating a q here, there are a few pages here now to scroll through.
I'm having trouble with how much pressure I'm using to hold the crate down. In the middle crate section over the mat, if I adjust the tabs low to hold it down firm, the crate sort of bows up in the middle, if I loosen the tabs a little the crate sits nice and flat, but is there enough down pressure from crate to mat, I don't know

Am I right I thinking, I don't need the crate to b squishing the mat moss flat, it just needs to have a light indent into it and have water pass under the crate and through the mat moss. I can hold it hard so when I turn the water off each crate L holds water for a few min, or if I loosen them up, it will drain the water out of each L with in a few sec. Hope I make some sence here and someone knows what I'm on about lol, cheers for all the help and some awsome talent on here with these designs and ideas