Anyone know what this means in regard to allowed equipment or methods?
Either the info isn't out there, or my Google fu is weak today.
Either the info isn't out there, or my Google fu is weak today.
26. Is prospecting in State Parks permitted?
Generally NO. However, prospecting is permitted in limited areas in the following Parks:
Beechworth Historic Park
Enfield State Park
Kooyoora State Park
Paddys Ranges State Park
Reef Hills State Park
Steiglitz Historic Park
Warrandyte State Park
Gemstone only fossicking:
Cape Liptrap Coastal Park
Cape Schanck Coastal Park
Mornington Peninsula National Park
Otway National Park
TheSilentBugler said:Gah, cant post link, from Vic miners right faq
26. Is prospecting in State Parks permitted?
Generally NO. However, prospecting is permitted in limited areas in the following Parks:
Beechworth Historic Park
Enfield State Park
Kooyoora State Park
Paddys Ranges State Park
Reef Hills State Park
Steiglitz Historic Park
Warrandyte State Park
Gemstone only fossicking:
Cape Liptrap Coastal Park
Cape Schanck Coastal Park
Mornington Peninsula National Park
Otway National Park
Bottom bit.
Pointleo said:Hi Casper.
I am sorry but fossicking for Gems is Banned at Point Leo. People are welcome to pick through the wash where some of the local storm water drains flow over the exposed gravel beds but digging into the strata, the cobblestone banks, or the creek beds, is strictly prohibited. Most of the area is where the cobblestone banks are, is a registered site of
geological significance and overlays exist to protect these areas.