Hi Guys,
The cleanup idea is one I floated on 27th Feb. Here's a paste of part of that post.
"On that note, maybe a working bee while the creeks are dry. Could get us some real good positive publicity. You know the drill. Along the lines of Clean up Australia, but called "Clean up a Creek". Organize a working bee. Pick up rubbish, fill in the odd hole, make safe undercut banks. Hell, would Parks Vic allow us to clean up log jams?
Show of hands might be interesting. Spread the word."
Here's a link to that thread. My post was number 31.
The point I'm trying to make here is, unless we get decent support for a "Cleanup Australia" type program, it will run out of legs very quickly. The fact that there was little to no response to the idea when I brought it up was a worry.
It seems however that a few more people have some interest in this idea here on this thread.
So on that note, if everyone who is interested in something like this, either to participate or organize, PM me and I'll knock up a bit of a register.
If we get reasonable numbers, we can arrange a couple of meetings and invite Rita from the PMAV to compare ideas and come up with a strategy. The plan then might include putting together a small delegation and consult with other stakeholders, Park Rangers etc. to see what might be reasonably undertaken and indeed allowed.
At the very least, shovelling some holes and picking up some rubbish should be a minimum, but we may as well get some value for our efforts in the form of some positive publicity if we can.
Like I said, if anyone is interested, PM me and I'll start the list. If we get the numbers, we'll see where we go from there.
Cheers, Ron.