Too tru bgr but in my twisted little head i keep thinkn i cood b walkn ovr stuff im not hearing .had a lot ov truble at dells with hot rocks an really noisy ground .wait till you see yourself they hav a lot of whatlooks like old termite rock- ish stuff for a bettr description lol bloody loud as with the 48 even deep so you end up diggn a lot ov false signals . Then when i get the ***** an get mums sdc not a bloody sound arrrrrrrrr frustrating other guys using 5 s an 4halfs same trouble . Yet wc totaly diffrent ground as u will see buggr all hottocks an no mika ..o yep wait till yousee thatat dells man i hav never seen so much of it man it shines everywere lukily it dosnt signal on a detector lol.o well at the end ov the day gold is where you find it