I've had the smaller Travel Buddy for about 7 years. As mentioned it draws 6 amps and comes with a cig plug. As I noted in my bush power thread, I noticed the plug getting very hot, so it got cut off and replaced with an Anderson plug, problem solved.
Re operation - I use it mainly for lunch for myself. It will fit 4 pies or 4 pasties or 6 reasonable sized sausage rolls. It will also cook the round mini pizzas for the evening beer n pizza.

:beer: I found a shopping centre cookware specialty shop and bought these (they were the last 2 they had

On that note, put alfoil on any tray to catch the melting cheese lol, saves cleaning.
Timings - I keep frozen pies etc and pizza in the van freezer, take it out in the morning and place into the Engel set as a fridge. So by the time lunchtime comes, what I want to cook is almost thawed, but still less than 2 C. I've noted that all of the above food takes roughly 60 minutes to cook. Based on 2 pizzas or 1 pie etc. Less time if nearer ambient and longer if deep frozen, so it will be trial and error depending what you put in the oven and how you store it before hand.
I'm also told that it will cook damper, but will reheat just about any leftovers you might have from spag bol to Sunday roast, lol.
You can also take the upper wire shelf out to fit a larger container or piece of meat. The disposable alfoil takeaway containers are great for cooking in the TB as well as storing leftovers.
Lunch requires preplanning, if you want to eat at 12.30 pm, you need to load lunch an hour before.