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today i went fishing and caught

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You can brine carp and then smoke them.
Good eating this way. Even better still is to purge them alive for a couple of days in clean water. Good eating.
I think the bloke name is Paul from river cottage ,

A TV show, he was the bloke that cooked the Carp on the TV,
he served them up to the blokes at the local pub where he was traveling through,

Most of the blokes did not no what kind of fish it was until they had eaten it,

LoneWolf said:
Sorry Trusted, I prefer to smoke other things... {) :koala:


Better than Vietnamese catfish. They feed them rubbish and their ***** goes straight to the catfish as well (bassa) :poop:
Give me a carp any day to that crap
went for a quick run out to the bay this morning only got two hits and this was one of them
Nice snap..I used to get alot drifting through the pearl chanal in the bay...Best was 8.5kg and a 17kg mowwong. :Y:
i find if you cook them with blue stone.Once the stone is soft throw the carp away n eat the blue stone mmmm yummy :playful:
goody2shoes said:
Carp...have destroyed most if not all of Tasmania inland fishing,

When I use to live there, a bunch of us would fish most of the lakes around Tassie,

When we court a Carp we use to just leave them on the bank until we we was told that they can keep breathing for hour's,

so after that off go the head to make sure it dead,

Carp court on the mainland in a running stream are good eating, so I been told,

Watch a fishing show where they court some Carp from a running stream, placed the Carp in a old bathtub out side with clean water for 24 hour then filleted them, cut them up in to bite sizes , batter on them , cooked in hot oil, served them up to a bunch of blokes in a pub, they did not tell this blokes what kind of fish it was to after they had eaten it,

All the blokes really like the Carp,

Most of them said that they look at Carp in a different way now,

But I recon that it proves is that you can feed a bloke anything when he's been drinking :) :) :)

Free feed is always a great day in my books :) :) :)

That's one nice Flatty.... Glad She was released..... Yes it's a Female... All large Flatties that size are... That's why its important to release them... Mmmm Flatty tails in beer batter..... Perfect....

Bluecurrant, where did you get those Pearlies from? Off Flat Top?

flat head, legal sizes throw back if under 370 mm long , considered babies at that size but I do like this one,.. all flathead over 700 mm are to be released, they are considered to be the breeders , now went to a wonderful place on Sunday, Lake Lyall, found a spot and began to rig up, the Captain says " I'm on " and drags in a redfin, about 50mm long , 4 hrs later, there are 43 redfin in the bucket, lots of toddlers only a few biggies, tiddlers are called "crispies" the vietnamese fry them until they are crisp scales skin guts and all. mmmm cant wait for dinner.
We used ice jigs for the first time , they were deadly on redfin, redfin are a pest species in NSW , told the kids swimming back at the boat ramp, its ok to swim now , now we bought a few piranha but watch out for fresh watersharks lol, then it was home , along dead roo drive until Mt Victoria pass.

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