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today i went fishing and caught

Prospecting Australia

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Slatey Bream Nth QLD.

I remember going snorkelling one weekend with a couple of the band members and we were floating around Canadian Bay near Frankston and the guitarist drifted away from our pack. I don't know how but he said he screamed through his goggles to warn us of Sharks in the area.
I have never seen a bloke run that fast on water-not even Donald Duck. I saw what he had seen and went back to the beach-quickly but was really running on water TRUE!!!
When I arrived back at my car I noticed the left front vent window had been pried open. My wallet had been stripped of anything they could use and left on the passenger seat.
They had even left a full carton of Marlboro Red in between the front seats.
I`ve been seen sprinting over Rocks and Kungy with my flippers on when i was 14.
The other few mates were up on the rocks detaching their Deep Sea Mullet each then only had hand spears.
I jumped in again with this time with a fish float.
Alone out there `i` saw was a browny grey haze which i thought again was the school of mullet but wow it turned out tobe a bloody big Grey Nurse.
Crapped myself so to speak flipped backwards spear pulled back and left my fish float out there.
Mates were about to jump back in then saw the Fin sticking out of the water then up and out onto the Kungy was me. :8
One more Tale of the Sea before I settle in for some Tele.
My brother and his lady were fishing around 9 miles out off Nth Keppel Island.
They were onto a school of Spanish Mackerel of which eventuated into a patch of Mackerel Heads.
OK there`s Sharks around next minute half a dozen Mako Sharks were diving out of the water estimated around 20ft up into the air.
Only hick up was the boat was only an open 16ft Quintrex Cruiseabout.
I ask him did you get any photo`s his reply was he couldn`t get the motor started quick enough.
Can you imagine if one had landed into the boat.
I`d doubt if any remains would reach the ocean floor. :beer:
Katabatic said:
Bush said:

Did he need surgery to put his arms back in their sockets.

Those buggers can pull.

Not shore i have not spoken to him since.
What will pull out off limbs if you come across a big one is a Wobbegong Shark.
Only having plate teeth they shake their feed around to break it apart.
I`m not shore there is any records of such but there probably hasn`t been any survivors to report it. :(
Not kidding either some of them get pretty Big.
Snorkeling into a cave like Warriewood Blow Hole or Scuba Diving in Fish Rock Cave near Hat Head would be places they would hang out.
Spindly Lilly White Legs could well be on their menu. 8.(
Gropers & some Cod would be in that category also swallowed in one gulp.
Quick shark yarn.
I used to be fishing guide.
I did live aboard trips from Cooktown to Princess Charlotte bay, that operation we did a bit of reef fishing, and Barra fishing once past Cape Melville. Also did Heavy tackle marlin out of Cairns, live aboard Barra trips out of Gove, and day trips out of Darwin.
Biggest shark I ever saw was on the Great Barrier Reef. It was somewhere near Princess Charlotte Bay, and it was an oceanic hammerhead. It was enormous! Ive seen huge tigers, plenty of whalers, all sorts of other sharks, no white pointers though. I know white pointers are mammoths due to their bulk, but I kid you not this hammerhead made up fo that in length! Its dorsal fin came out of the water what seemed about 4 feet! The skipper called me over to see it, he had lived and worked on boats his entire working life, he was in his seventies at the time, and said it was the biggest shark he had seen also. Ill never forget the shark or the skipper, great man. A.Southwood.
Well this happened today, went out for a sneaky couple of hours to try and get a couple of Spanish Mackeral and a black marlin decides to hit the trolling gear.. Just lucky the halco lasers trebble bit deep in the bill and after nearly an hour on 20kg braid it comes to the side.. Bloody shame it was completely spent by the time we got it alongside that no matter what we done it just ended up dying..Weighed in at 95kg and my biggest to date.. When it hit i was waiting to see a slab of silver come out of the water but when i saw the bill realised it was no mackeral..good fun and going to feed alot of people so it wont go to waste...
shakergt said:
Mackka said:
Coupla nice jewies mate.

In western Australia they are known as mulloway

correct. In WA this is a Jewie.. (Dhufish). They are the 2nd best table fish in my book, just behind Coral Trout. We use to stuff them with a rice salad, wrap in foil then bake em on the BBQ. Bloody bewdiful! Huge white flakes of really sweet fish, yummo

Had a spot off Rotto that use to bag us out with Jewies more often than not, like pulling in a steam train


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