Didn't build/make it today, this was a a lengthy project back in the 90's putting together a generator for our bush camp.
Scavenged around scrap yards and the like and found a Yanmar engine, 3 kva and a 1.5kva generator and accessories.
Starting from scratch built the machine so the main generator was the 3kva and a simple belt change brought in the 1.5kva into service if the other failed. (It did once, threw the windings, very helpful auto shop repaired it under fusion policy ($0.0)

Also a 12V alternator is in amongst it. Also a means of battery charging.
Overhauled the Yanmar, rings, big ends, gaskets and seals.
Managed to find a flywheel ring gear and starter motor and converted it to electric start.
We built a little shed and concreted the floor and bolted the genny down.
Dug a trench by hand (toughest job of all) from shed to camp and ran some wire we picked up from a mining camp dump.

Mate was a electrician, he wired the camp.
We can light up the camp like a Christmas tree and have a couple of battery chargers to top up the batteries if required, two home fridge/freezers (We have both the freezers packed with bottles of water so the fridges act like ice boxes when genny not running. (Keeps the beer cold.

This old banger starts first kick and has served us well for all these years and we have recouped the massive outlay (about $500.00) hundred of times over with gold.