Nice work Golddigg.
Beagleboy said:Nice work mate. Is this the same banker you had at Eldorado? Are you still using the gold hog mats?
Let me know if you need a pair of hands with a showel. HahaG0lddigg@ said:Thanks Pete this things handles material like a trommel... i have not been able to keep up with its hunger.... havent finished it yet ...
Lol no product launch here mate just sharing tinker time..dwt said:So I'm not trying to "jack" GD's launch of his high banker, but he inspired me to get of my ass this morning and post my 3/4 finished .......... "Hungry Boy".........".Man Banker", havnt thought of a name yet, anyways, it incorporates a couple of my previous builds into one, a Z style banker with puddling tub on the end, and yes it tilts forward or easy emptying, quite a few things I'm going to change on the next build but this will do for the moment