Today i had to put an old friend to rest

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Sorry for your loss.

Ferrets can make great pets. Your loss brought back memories of my pet ferret 'Otto' who passed a few years ago.
Definitely not a snake, he was just old and worn out unfortunately.
I would have held onto him longer but it didn't seem fair anymore as he was really struggling in the heat and even on cool day's he started to become lethargic.
Buddy had a little lump on his throat and i suspect that cancer may have set in on the old fella.
I will never know but i surely didn't want him to go through a horrible slow death.
At least i know he isn't suffering anymore
There are no rules on who your mates can be and sometimes animals are more human. RIP little fella. Its never easy. Nothing can ever take away the memories, remember them with a smile and he will live with you forvever.
YF i know how it feels when i was young we used to breed ferrets i had a big white male he used to follow me everywhere i could put him in my shirt he was a little kitten but if anyone tryed to touch him he would bite them.when he passed away from old age i was devoed
When you love animals you get your heart broken many times in youtr life, and its even harder when you have to make the call.ferrets are real personalities and make great mares and workers but every now and then you get lucky and get a real ripper. RIP BUDDY
So sorry to hear of your loss. I know it is hard to go through but you did the right thing by your buddy. He probably was suffering a little bit in the end. Now he is running with all his little mates in that other place. Some call it heaven others nirvana but no matter what you call it ,he is there with his family and mates. Take care mate. You are in my thoughts.