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Heatho said:
Gotta love the Thermi, is there something it doesn't do well...... :D We love ours.

Any chance you can post me that recipe? :Y:

Yep the Thermi's are gold as far as the kitchen goes my wife is a consultant and love's it more than me some days :lol:. I reckon a few members would be using them so I will start a Termo Mix recipe thread when I get home and put it up for anyone who has one.
Tandoori chicken in wraps on the fire :Y:
Still trying to come up with ways to use the abundance of bananas. The mangoes are just about done. Maybe 6 left for Mrs Ramjet. The problem with the bananas is that so many ripen at the same time. Talking with the boss lady this eve and we came up with a couple of ideas for flavours of dried, banana chips.... Stay tuned for some weird and wonderful flavour combinations.... It's gonna be the next BIG thing. Anywho..... back to reality. Caramelized bananas with caramel sauce, ice cream and cream. All very healthy.




So, what to do with some good quality dry cured bacon? Simple, give it a fry in the pan, as usual, and then cool it down and make bacon tempura. It turns out that deep fried bacon is a good thing!



After the bacon tempura we had southern fried chicken. Second daughter Bridgets boyfriend is Vietnamese (and a good bloke who is in the navy and a member of the tri-service guard in Canberra), and his mother sent me a very good spice paste with lots of garlic, chilli, coriander roots and white pepper, and sundry other unidentified ingredients, so I marinated the wings in that with some fish sauce, and coated them in tapioca and cornflour. They were extra crispy! The slightly darker chicken is my standard southern fried recipe.

Flowerpot said:
I've woken up from night shift to a delicious smell wafting through the house, the hub aka mr flowerpot has a rabbit stew bubbling away in the slow cooker OMG it smells fantastic.

Crikey! mr flowerpot thickened the stew up and sprinkled fresh parsley over the top and OMG it was really delicious I went back for seconds and theres enough still for tomorrow night, thats the gee oh, :lol: I'm a lucky, lucky sheila to have such a nice mr looking after me {)
Love rabbit . glade the cook thinkened. Will probably be better tomorrow .I grow up catching and eating rabbits ,my mum in my opinion most likely biased the best rabbit cook ever. YES i did watch and listen. Good tucker,
lordo.1 said:
Love rabbit . glade the cook thinkened. Will probably be better tomorrow .I grow up catching and eating rabbits ,my mum in my opinion most likely biased the best rabbit cook ever. YES i did watch and listen. Good tucker,
I agree lordo.1, Mums usually are the best cooks :lol:
The flavour does go through and overnight dish really well, It should be even more delish tomorrow.
Flowerpot / my mum cooked ok not the best ever she just done rabbit better then most also lambs fry .but i do think ive got her covered with the lambs fry and bacon.