To dig or not to dig that is the question...

Prospecting Australia

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Here is a picture..... I am alive just.... Phew...




Decided to leave it in the ground, it is too big and I don't want to carry it...

Some of the finds from near by 2 Bullets and lots of junk.... and a very thin 50c coin.... lol

mate it is very unlikely that anything would go bang that close to a hospital however if in doubt dont is the best advise i can give
if you think it might go bang
i done a few years doing UXO and a lot that were reported were blanks/dummy practice bombs (we used to blow them just for the practice ]:D ]:D )
mark it and ring the navy or army base even the police meet them there and show them where it is then sit back and watch the rock show :) :Y: :/ :cool: ]:D
make sure you have a camera and ask them if its not dangerous can you have it you never know they might even say yes
That's a Yamaha YZ clutch lever :eek: :Y: car parts, bike parts, air fitting :eek: looks like a dumping ground but there should be something good there under the junk :Y:
Doesn't look like a bomb so I wouldn't be too concerned, agree they won't have mines buried around a hospital camp :Y:
True it is a dumping ground....this is across the road beyond the bushland...As I stated the hospital and area surrounding it where the Barracks and Prisoner Camp were is off limits...Unless I ring and ask for permission to recover lost relics... Doesn't hurt to ask... They can only say (yes) or (NOOO)... :) But you'll never know if you never ask... :)

Apparently they held German Prisoners in this camp, that is why I wanted to scout the other side of the road where I can look because the Camp housed at most 750 Soldiers.