Smoky bandit said:
Im Australian...I was tought to spell and speak the Aussie language....Not that proper English crap..... :lol: :lol: :fistpump:
layful: :beer:
I'm not starting an 'English v Australian' language war here, so put the popcorn back in the pantry, everyone.
Smoky bandit, let me just explain my situation, which you seem to scorn. I'm a 6th generation Australian with parents who went to school in the 1940's, who were taught to speak and spell 'proper English crap', as you call it. As children (and even to this day)
every single time we mispronounced a word, or used 'Australianisms', we were corrected and told, "Stop butchering the English language, you sound like an illiterate guttersnipe!" It has been drummed into me, to use proper English, that has stayed with me throughout my life. And I might add, that it has benefited my career in several jobs, because I do use proper English.
There seems to be a general consensus, that to be a 'true blue Australian', you have to sound like a Bogun. But I'm here to tell you that not all Australians believe this, or perpetuate this belief. I'm a proud 'true blue Australian', I speak proper English, and I'm also proud of that too.
And I believe there's a big difference between using 'Australianisms' (G'day!), and just being badly educated and illiterate, that some people believe is "just being an Aussie"! I don't want to be considered as illiterate and badly educated, that people are perpetuating as just being Australian! We're not all like that at all, and I object to being considered as such! You might scorn people who use "proper English crap", but don't call me un-Australian for using it. I'm every bit as proudly Australian as the Boguns, if not more!
:beer: :sunny:
Cheers, mate!