The Lengths That Some People Go To Hide Their Gold Spots

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If it was with guys you know, and how they really are it might be OK. For me, as with GS, I've learned never to trust anyone in this racket.

And yes, if 'you're not enough with one, you'll never be enough without one'.

When I was ten, in Adelaide, John Martins (a large department store) had a promotion one Sat. morning.

From the top of the building they released balloons on which were attacked tags that had a certain prize on them.

I was lucky enough to be near one that landed on the ground; bent down and got it in my hand...when all of a sudden 'Stomp'! a maniac guy stomped on my hand, pinned it to the ground and took it. Adding it to about a dozen in his other hand.

These guys who go nuts for 'stuff', in our case, gold; will never be satisfied, even if it was a two or three hundred kilo find. Next day they'd still have an abyss in their hearts that can't be filled by anything.

Moral: the physical is not going to nourish the emotional and the spiritual.
hmmm... wild cherry trees he said ..hmmmm was that "odd shaped trunks ?" ...hmmmm ...around Hard Lead at Beaufort
Might go looking for that spot ..after I give up on Lasseter's Reef. :cool:
Hunting the yellow said:
yep I can't trust no one now with spots I find and I put the time research into and then pretty much claim jumped twice and I don't mean panning spots im talking about reef deposits 1000s worth of gold in the ground that's why I can't share how much or where I find my gold because someone will always want your spot because you have done the hard research for it and tested it I can tell everyone that I've found at least 6 gold baring reefs and they are payable but people wont believe me unless I tell the location and show all the gold I've found but..... if I do that I may have tailgaters like in the past following me out to the gold fields but I know what ive found and I know of some creeks where you can find from 1 to 4 gram nuggets in just with panning in the crevices but im keeping my mouth shut for now on any thing I find I don't care if half or even all of you don't believe me I know what I find is true and its there

Why would you even want to be anywhere near people like that?! And you have got perfectly. Keep you mouth shut about anything you find.
SunriseBoy said:
Hunting the yellow said:
yep I can't trust no one now with spots I find and I put the time research into and then pretty much claim jumped twice and I don't mean panning spots im talking about reef deposits 1000s worth of gold in the ground that's why I can't share how much or where I find my gold because someone will always want your spot because you have done the hard research for it and tested it I can tell everyone that I've found at least 6 gold baring reefs and they are payable but people wont believe me unless I tell the location and show all the gold I've found but..... if I do that I may have tailgaters like in the past following me out to the gold fields but I know what ive found and I know of some creeks where you can find from 1 to 4 gram nuggets in just with panning in the crevices but im keeping my mouth shut for now on any thing I find I don't care if half or even all of you don't believe me I know what I find is true and its there

Why would you even want to be anywhere near people like that?! And you have got perfectly. Keep you mouth shut about anything you find.

I do now and honestly I didn't know them that well anyway at the time so what are you suppose to do huhh ????
Just so long as you know in your own mind and heart, that you'd never take advantage or insult someone like that.

An old guy once said, "When I see a man do good things I want to act like that. When I see a man do bad things; I look to my own behaviour."

As long as you always play with a straight bat, what anyone else does is really none of your business.

The worst thing I've ever done, is telling someone how to paddle their own 'canoe' or trying to help them 'clean up' their lives. I had all hell rain down on my many times because I wanted to 'help'

Now, I never offer to help anyone unless they ask me for it. It sounds very 'un-Australian'. But go and intervene in a domestic violence dispute where the old man has belted the wife. You'll find out quick smart how welcome your 'help' is.

The sociopaths I've met through the years, have convinced me to be very, very cautious of offering anyone, anything, at anytime. As far as I'm concerned, now, it's their journey, and they can navigate it any way they want.
Hunting the yellow said:
yeah its certainly changed me ill tell people what I find but ask me where and ill say either Ballarat or somewhere else miles away from where I really find it
Come on !
How do expect me to believe that ?
There is no creeks with nuggets or reefs with gold in Ballarat. :D
This is great post I would have to say that honesty and integrity can't be bought and these are my Friends. Plenty of good people on the fields you choose on who you are.

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