the day i stop prospecting

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Dec 20, 2012
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down a hole
as simple as it says ive have been f ed over by a few prospectors and get sick of it so they can have my hard earned researched spots i couldn't care given up on prospecting all together good luck to the claim jumpers and people who used my knowledge
Why did you tell them where those spots were to begin with?

HTY I like you and love reading about your adventures but it sounds like your throwing a tantrum over something you could have prevented.

Take it as a lesson learnt and don't be so trusting of people.... Gold does strange things to some people.

Hope you stay with it mate.
Don't chuck it in HTY. You're a valuable asset to this forum And prospecting in Australia in general. Your work in exploring and mapping the old mines, and the images that you record are not only interesting, they will become a part of Australia's history, as the old mines slowly become unsafe and unexplorable for future generations. It's a pity that some unscrupulous people have screwed you over, but not everbody is like that. Don't lose ya faith in people. Theres like 6 or 7 billion of them out there now, so they're kinda hard to avoid hey. Anyway just wanted to say I appreciate what you contribute, not just on here, but your facebook pages to. I'm a big fan of your work Simeon, please keep doing what you obviously love doing, even 7f you must be a little more wary of what info you share with certain others. Cheers mate. Andy. :)
Yeah hunting the yellow. I also have been F**ked over by people who promised not to go back to a spot without me.
So get mad and get upset but remember you are better then them and you will not make the same mistake and you will finds heaps.

There are people out there you will befriend and you will be able to trust them.
Hunting the yellow said:
as simple as it says ive have been f ed over by a few prospectors and get sick of it so they can have my hard earned researched spots i couldn't care given up on prospecting all together good luck to the claim jumpers and people who used my knowledge

Been there, done that, but I'm not gonna let bad experiences with a few mongrels change my attitude to helping others or put me off doing stuff that I love doing. Blow that - life's too short to let the mongrels spoil your fun or dictate your chosen behaviour.

Never let them get to you, Mate - never. You keep right on your chosen path, doing the things you want to do. Maybe learn to choose your sharings a bit more carefully, but don't turn your back on the things you love doing just because there's some worthless bludgers out there.

LC76 said:
Gold does strange things to some people.

Too true, unfortunately. Learn from your bad experiences, HtY and move forward positively: there's gold out there that's waiting for you (and only you) to find it.
If you give it up "They Win" don't give them the satisfaction!!!

There are many of us that have been in the same boat, we try to help then it "Bites You In the AR$E" !!!!! Find more "Gold" tell them nothing is the only way to treat these "SCUM"

It all comes down to "Jealousy & Greed"

Your not a prospecter unless you find the gold yourself through loaming, geology, maps, research and experience.

I personally could not brag about gold or gems that someone else has found or shown the spot to me and claim it was all me. There's nothing more selfish I've ever known apart from when it comes to prospecting. You try to team up, it works for a few days, and if it screws up, they are in your hole the next day that you showed them!? I don't see happiness in that, and if you have to steal other peoples hard earned work because your too lazy, selfish and a thief. But why dig back in the same spot? Just because you know golds there that someone else found and your too lazy to pan yourself to find more?..

I've had spots taken, trashed, equipment stollen, maps, books, tools, my miners right even at a point stollen. I certainly will not accept anyone to dig with me without experience or knowing they are cool, and it's very easy to tell. The greed sparkle in the eye is different than an exited fun sparkle in the eye and its very easy to see.

Its a hard one mate and why I'm taking my absolute time to release any information of my area, and it won't be free. That way I still get something out of it, even if the place gets turned over.

I also don't take people to the "good" spots as like you say, it doesn't take long and its trashed.

If someone shows your their "spot", its usually a very nice gesture to ask if the person who showed you is going there again soon or if you can dig there, rather than just hack at it.

I know that since I've mentioned creeks around here, they have had more activity in the easy access lengths, its very obvious and no one has written me a pm at all. Too rude to even say hello some down there and they probably got the info from me here!

I showed a bloke something I found recently and as he filmed it, he was saying things like " I've found this.." ... Or .. "I've brought my mate along with me.."..

I drove you in my car to a spot that I found in my time, effort and risks! Wtf..he had this instinct which just made him claim it all, with no regard to credit or mention me in any way as he recorded. This blokes done it several times and I've been stupid enough to show him several things.

The best part is though, he's too lazy to go any further with it. He will dig my hole, get bugger all because he doesn't know how to use his sluice, not fill it in, and then complain to me that he's getting no gold at the end of the day, not knowing I watched him dig in my hole again. So then he gives up and waits for me to find more, it took me a while but I caught on and this bloke knows very little about what I know now.

You are not a friend if you threat, yell, steal, intimidate, gossip and backstab.

Sorry guys I had to let out like I was in counselling. There is nothing more that frustrates me and I really really feel your pain HTY, and your efforts, vids and text is remarkable and will always be remembered, ( and i mean you, not your spots ) you need to be credited for it, not a reversal.

Pass it all off and keep truck in, but just be warey of certain people. The dodgy ones all act the same and like I said easy to spot after you meet just one or two.
Jim Rocha comments on this on his blog:

I reckon that it's hard to know who to trust, but we do in the end have to trust some folks. However, it's a good idea to keep your powder dry until you get to know someone well.

"15. "Katie, bar the door!"

I truly do hope that each and every one of you out there, greenhorn or old sourdough, hits the "big one" some day and that pounds of yellow metal fall right into your laps, metaphorically speaking that is. I do wish all of you the best despite my constant growling about getting your **** together as miners and as human beings. I have your best interests in mind always, believe it or not. That said, may the Good Lord above (or the universe in general) help you if you ARE fortunate enough to gather up large amounts of gold by accident or through hard, earnest effort. Because if that happens it'll be "Katie bar the door!" time when the news gets out about your good fortune. I was told recently by a very smart person that the two biggest drivers in our culture are sex and money, not necessarily in that order. Let's let sex take care of itself for now and concentrate on the money aspect. A troy ounce of gold at the time of this writing is worth $1,178.00 U.S. dollars (USD). End up recovering boo-coo ounces of gold to the tune of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of USD and you're in for a wild ride pard. Gold being gold, when other miners hear about your find(s) they'll be rushing in to jostle you aside from your spot or jumping your claim when you're not around. Distant relatives who haven't given you the time of day for ten years or more will suddenly be calling you with "heartfelt" congratulations over your good luck and every charity (or fake charity) in the world will be hitting you up for a slice of the pie (hell's bells, they do that now WITHOUT a major gold find on your part). Imagine how many new "friends" you'll have once they think you're paying the tab every time. And let's not forget the generic riffraff, scum bags, and low lives out there. They have a nose for other peoples' property and cash, and aren't above committing random acts of violence to get their sticky fingers on your goods. Oh, and let's not forget the state, local, and Federal tax people. They'll want their share for doing nothing, nothing at all. These are just some of the reasons why I've always urged you to keep things on the down low and keep your mouth shut if you do come up with an exceptional gold find or recover lots of gold, one way or the other. That cautionary admonition remains in effect. There's another old adage you should always remember: "Be careful what you wish for.""
Been there, Done with that.
You are not a friend if you threat, yell, steal, intimidate, gossip and back stab.
I will say there are quite a few people on here that I have made friends with and would trust them to watch my back.
I showed a bloke on here a so called top spot and now he rings me asking if he can go there.
That is what I call a true friend and he has one in me now.
Never get rid of me now. LOL
(He knows who it is :D :D :D )
Don't lower your self to their standards HTY. Your contributions are invaluable mate and keep it coming.
I have been very lucky in coming to Australia and finding a new hobby. I had zip clues about where to go or what to do, and its been hours of researching and picking up ideas from you guys that have allowed me to really enjoy this new hobby/obsession.

I can't speak about whats happened to you HTY, but my 18 months so far has been a bunch of talking to experienced guys who have pointed me to a area, then going off to explore. I come back with story's and pictures and feed back into their own experience. Enriching everyone.

I guess hunting the G really is an obsession, and it would suck having people take years of your personal effort just to turn over the ground you have hunted. I suspect its pretty common regardless of your hobby. Best fishing spots, favorite bar. everything eventually gets trashed.

I spent part of this afternoon looking through some of your posts, and I would have been very honored to have headed out on one of your yellow hunting expeditions. I live for the chance to learn from others, I guess its a case of picking your friends and walking away from those that don't have the respect you expect. not easy.
no one's bent me over yet...... im an outwards only type of bloke! haha.

sounds like some people are rite turds.
I'm only new to prospecting & detecting but man, that would really suck.
You have taught me a valuable lesson though & that is, if I do ever find a good spot then keep it to myself & don't tell anyone.
Sounds like you have been very helpful to many people & thats a good thing but to have this happen multiple times would be a real kick in the guts, no wonder you're not happy.

While for a newbie any tips are very helpful, but some people just get greedy & have no respect for anyone, including themselves.
Its not all about finding some Yellow, but just getting out & about, enjoying the bush or outback & doing the research & checking out new places, its all part of the fun that comes with prospecting, well thats what it should be about anyway, if you get lucky then thats great, but if not then atleast you have got out of the house & done something.

Stick with it HTY, just don't trust to many people unless you are positive they don'y have a knife waiting to stick it in.
Etiquette is something learned; I have often reflected on situations where some better discussion on spelling out ground rules would have settled my mind on what expectations were.

Most people are happy to share, some only up to a point and rightly so when it come to finding a virgin patch. Adopting a free-for-all approach on publicly accessible land on known goldfields is different to offering your unique gold finding knowledge or secret spots. if someone is precious about the gold in these areas and the knowledge they are sharing I think there can only be two approaches to take if you think the gold is yours or want the gold to be yours. Either shut up or rely on a buddy agreement.

I have read numerous stories and articles on prospecting buddy agreements, some that worked, some that failed. In most, trust is often given easily but much more easily and quickly taken away. Mending a misunderstanding is difficult, and usually results in long-term trust issues but can sometime strengthen trust. Mending a clearly broken buddy agreement, seems to be impossible.

I think we are all guilty of failing to have a clear and direct discussion on the appropriate etiquette that needs to be followed on 'your patch' and I am yet to find any detecting buddy that can read a mind.

A good reminder H.T.Y. for me to talk more prior to hitting new spots with mates as some sites may be more 'sensitive' than others.
An unfortunate reality of the game. Ive lost many mates over the last few years in ballarat because often greed and as ive found out for one bloke a habbit often lead them to hammering areas id shared. Its made me smarter about who i spend time with but i know theres so much more gold out there i dont let it eat me.

Never give upbon a passion because youve been burnt if you love something stick with it because those clowns will some day get bired because they never truly took the time to learn the value of research and persistence.

Ive seen some of your finds mate and i know at heart you're a prospector through and through. Man up and learn from it move on and that is life.

Roses have thorns and all that.

Chin up gd
A wise old bloke once said to me "you will only ever have 1 or 2 true mates, the rest are just acquaintances"

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Since starting on this site I have been shocked at how open people are sharing pictures with locations and other information. I am sure most people using this site do do the right thing , but the amount of visitors reading this wealth of info worries me. It only takes one or two mongerals that don't respect the land , environment, landholders and prospecting rules to stuff it up for everyone.

I really do appreciate the openness of information and it adds to my previous knowledge of these locations and adds to my chances of going home satisfied . I just hope its not aiding reckless people in finding these beautiful locations and have them littered and abused therefore stuffing it for everybody .
Most locals in these areas don't particularly like strangers probing around digging up creek banks at the best of times .

I have always had the belief if you brought things with you, take them back home when they are empty I have seen to many great fishing spots fenced out through rubbish and broken glass.

Anyway that's my 2 cents worth , Hard luck on being stole from but don't leave , learn from it and help protect the rest of us.

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