Hunting the yellow said:and im not the guy to name and shame either if i wanted to i would have allready done it
You obviously wanted to talk about it though.
So cmon HTY open up and see if we can help.
Or what's the point of this thread?
Hunting the yellow said:and im not the guy to name and shame either if i wanted to i would have allready done it
Redfin said:It is often asked why are there no reports of big finds with the ZED,
now you know.
Hunting the yellow said:well lets put it this way when you get burned over 3 times you just wanta to 2 things 1 go and raid there spots or 2 give up and im not the type of guy to do number 1 maybe time will fix things or maybe not because ive had a lot going on at the moment and yes you can call it a hissy fit or cry baby or grow up but let me tell you something when you get a broken leg go walk it off then let me know how you feel after wards from it
SCROUNGER said:***** Atom, take care mate, sounds like he's a few loose to me. Take care buddy.
Ridge Runner said:Hunting the yellow said:well lets put it this way when you get burned over 3 times you just wanta to 2 things 1 go and raid there spots or 2 give up and im not the type of guy to do number 1 maybe time will fix things or maybe not because ive had a lot going on at the moment and yes you can call it a hissy fit or cry baby or grow up but let me tell you something when you get a broken leg go walk it off then let me know how you feel after wards from it
The trouble with an eye for an eye type thinking is all you are going to end up with is A lot of Blind People, lol.
Ya know people are dying all over the world, So really this is just A Minor Glitch,
If you don't want to name and shame them, Or do anything about it, Then whats the point In Giving up detecting, Then you are just leaving more for them to find,
So just go and find a place with bigger Nuggets and more of them, and move On, Who are you hurting by Give up, No One Just Your Self, It does not effect him One Bit, So you might as well get Over It and Move On,
As Much as I dislike people like that, I'LL be buggered if I would let them Beat me and take away something I enjoy, What You should be doing Is Getting out there and Gridding the Place From Dawn til Dusk, And not leave a scrap of Gold In the Place, Bugger that. If he wants it that Bad I would make the Bugger work for It.
SCROUNGER said:Now you've said you'll be a rich prospector, everybody will want to be your friend Atom :lol: :lol: :lol: