Tears for ya Chewy,... was that Grandma that had the gastro that sadly passed away ? 8.(
Gastro is not a nice thing to cop,...we've had it here(long time ago now) with all the kids sleeping in the lounge on the floor to be closer to the toilet, and Mrs S and I asleep on the lounge to be close for assistance(has you worrying for life"and ya spleen").
Tear Ass(Peanut paste"obviously crunchy by whoever named that" on toast) and
Bung Hole(Block cheese on toast),...these are the names that save the day when it comes to Gastro,... we never use butter or margarine at all,... and we never use crunchy peanut paste either.
Hope all has panned out well for you all when this section of life is in the past a bit.
My dear old Dad(gone now) used to say "This too shall pass" when he could see that I was battleing,... and it does.
Hang in there brother,.. be it good, be it bad,...yet every breath is worth it.