Not me but a mate.
Had a mate who's new girl friend had her tongue, nipples and navel pierced.
She convinced him he should get a piercing too.
Anyway, one night at about 11.30pm I get a frantic phone call to come over...I mean urgently come over, break the speed limit type of urgent.
I get there and what had happened was he decided to do his piercing himself.
He had a few rums for braveness, got a bag of frozen peas out of the freezer to numb his willy, removed his ear stud and wiped it with detol then laid his willy out on the dining room

He then lined up the ear stud where he wanted it and gave it a firm whack with a meat tenderizer.
Stupid idiot nailed himself to the dining room table!!
His old boy was swelling up and looked almost like it swallowed the ear stud. He was in a hell of a state and couldn't pull it loose because of the pain.
I had to go to his shed and raid his tool box and eventually pried it loose with a pair of pointy nosed pliers.