String of Volcanoes Discovered

Prospecting Australia

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Brings in the Mornington Penensula, Diamond Creek, Strathbogies in Vic, makes sense, historically gems and gold found along that line. :)
I alway's thought that anywhere along the Great Dividing Range on the east coast was worth a try as well, history or no history.
Your the man Jaros,....super sleuth sniffs out ancient super chain of volcanic activity soils that make PA prospectors super rich,... that's what the headlines should read,.... GRAB A SHOVEL MEN, WE'RE OFF TO THE DIGGINGS that's what we all should do,... what a frenzied air of excitement you've driven upon us all Jaros,.... forget the silver, I'M OFF TO GET THE GOLD,.. warm the car up Jaros that's what I'd recon,.......... (If I was allowed).
Interesting stuff Jaros!

These Volcanic chains are part reason South-Eastern Australia has been in an active 'Mountain Building' stage for the past few million years due to tectonic plate shifting.

The main areas involved have been around Victoria's Otway Ranges, The Mornington Peninsula and Strzeleckis.

Geologists have most recently proved that Australia has not been lying geologically 'dormant' for the past 40 million years as once thought.

Tectonic movements have pushed the Otway's 250 metres higher in the past three million years, and the Selwyn fault, which runs from 'Mt Martha' on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula, east to the Dandenong Ranges, has possibly produced six metres of uplift in the past 100,000 years.

As most know, fault-lines provide the weakest point of resistance for rich gold bearing Hydrothermal fluids to travel under heat and pressure.

Most of the big mining companies mine fault-zones for this very reason.

Many of the South Australian members here will wonder why SA does not contain much gold, a main reason I believe is because it has the fewest fault-zone locations in all of Australia

Its very feasible that undiscovered rich gold deposits lie deep within The Otways, Mt Martha and The Strzelecki Ranges!

I think you may have given Silver 'Gold Fever' Jaros without even sneezing on him :p

Here is a map of Major Fault lines within our wide brown land.
From it you will see its no coincidence that the heavily faulted areas are all within our major gold producing areas in Oz!


This isn't really recent news, I read about this about 15 years or more ago. It was reported back then, as now, to do with the movement of the tectonic plates over a hot spot. All this story has done is reconfirm the original story.
I was not having a shot at you about your post. It was at the news item. It is an interesting story if you are interested in the way that gold is distributed throughout the country. I have checked and it was published about 25 years ago in a book called Interplate Volcanism: In Australia and New Zealand . Published in 1989.
page 52. ( This migh not be the first time is was published but it was the book that I read it in.)

i t is like a lot of recent so called discoveries that have been known for years or centuries by the local inhabitants of an area. Some young scientist thinks that they have found something new, publish their findings without first checking only to be shot down latter. Trying to get a fast grant for their research program.


shivan said:
They have known about the hotspot volcanism for a while I believe, but it seem the discovery was that it was not several chains but one big one?
That's also what I was told today but I didn't know if that was where the posts were going.

One big straight continuos volcanic pipe, the biggest on earth ever discovered.
Isn't there a chain of "Mounts" out under the Tasman sea that parallels this one. ??
We have had a few shakes down here over the past few years.
Tathra South Headland is the start of a fault line that goes up through Wolumla then up to Bomballa turning out and
forming Mallacouta.
On one side starting from the wharf it is Sandstone. On the other it is conglomerate fused by Lava. My Uncles Farm at Black Range sits right on top of it and has Gold, Tin, Bismuth and silver deposits all over the place. A geographical hot spot intrusion in the Bega batholith of Granite.
Wollumla Gold Field is right on the fault line and is only half of what it was. They cannot find the rest of it as it is too deep.
A very interesting topic Jaros and one I do study with relish. :D :D :D
From what I remember reading the Hawaiian Islands were formed the same way, crust moving over a hotspot melting through the thinest part forming islands in a chain.
Cool stuff thanks jaros :)
Earthquake from Warrnambool to king island today, may be a new volcano on the go ?.

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