Pat Hogen said:
Not so sure about the backdrops fellas. Now this is an opinion only, not a criticism, but I remember my father telling me that do not let the backdrop take away the intention of the subject. He was a photographer with his own studio when he was in his twenties.
What this means is people tend to study aspects of the backdrop and mentally drift from the subject of the photo, in this case it is our stones that we are presenting.
Very recently purchased a Nikon D5200 and a 105 mm micro/macro lens. Now the fun begins! (so much to learn about this camera, getting mental indigestion)
Congratulations- you are one major step ahead of me
..........I started using my backdrops to get the autofocus camera to get a focus lock, at first I removed them once I had a focus lock but found I got a better outcome by leaving them in. Even then, in my mind, all my stones photos are pixilated due to zooming and slightly out of focus.
I agree that some are overwhelming and care needs to be taken with the selection, scale and placement. Whilst I am learning a lot about gem photography, it will not be until I can upgrade to a decent camera and macro lense that I will be able to capture the full glory a stone by itself.
I recently built a mini light box to try and get the black spinel by itself..... :argh: .....I failed :lol:

layful: :lol: