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Some finds from Lowmead

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Found a few pieces for the computer desk today,boy am I feeling it now :)

Off to Proston next week to hopefully find some Smokey quartz and Garnets ;)
Hi guys have been reading all your comments about finding gemstones at lowmead...i am in bundy and my family and i are interested in going out for a look..any tips on what to look for as we are a family that does want to get more experience in gemstones as we have experience in going out with metal detectors to look for gold but not gemstones..
Hi Wazza/mechia, good to see another local interested in wanting to find local gemstones.

Reading through this thread will definitely be a good start as there has been a fair bit said about methods for finding the elusive crystals

at Lowmead. The hard part is finding ground that has not been dug over during the last 60 years. As for things like what tools to bring,

I only use these.The hand tool cost me 4 bucks from Aldi and is great for digging in the packed sand.


You don't even really need the sieve unless you want to save the small ones.
Thanks already have those kind of tools as we cart them around when we go metal detecting for gold and relics... also already have our fossicking permits had them for awhile now ...so in any of the places that are mentioned in this forum do i need to ask permission to go on the land... we have a 4x4 so getting into harder places is not a problem
The diggings are on Clarkes road,about 5km North of Lowmed. No permission is required apparently,just stay in the area that has the diggings on the right hand side of the road.
Yes, because it's private property we must respect the area to the highest degree to ensure that the owners remain happy and continue to keep it open for one and all ,... when we leave from there we take all our rubbish with us and leave only footprints, oh, and we take away a few crystals too hopefully, and as you dig one hole you can usually throw the dirt into another as you go (ha). ;) :D
You just rock up and your niceness is your passport, oh and wave to the farmer if he drives past down the bottom on the creek track, they get pretty busy most times with what they must have to do, and it's the county side, so just wave to everyone anyway, that's the best way to be nice out there ! :D
I like the cluster there Richard :) Proston.....I thought the garnet site was closed? I had heard rumours it has been re-opened but haven't been able to find out anything concrete.

Gday wazza/mechia. Lowmead is a fun place. The digging is not hard as the ground is only a soft, decomposed granite sand. The crystals can be found all through it from the surface but appear to be mostly concentrated in a thin band of quartz gravel roughly 1 metre down, depending on the exact spot. As others have said, help ensure that the area remains open to all by sticking to the area with all the diggings and taking your rubbish away with you. ktmman and I have felt compelled to pick up rubbish left lying around by inconsiderate visitors previously.

The crystals are mostly of specimen grade (as most gems in most places are) but that looks great in it's own right on a rock display shelf. If you persist you will turn up a few pieces with facetable material in them and some of these will cut very nice looking gems. The amethyst is often of a smokey tint but can be a royal purple and also an intruiging shade that looks more pink than purple. There is also smokey and colourless. There is some very vivid orange citrine but it is usually to cracked to facet unfortunately.

Have fun! I'll try to start getting back down there now that the weather is just starting to cool off a little.

One final word - PLEASE BE CAREFUL IN HOLES AS THE SOFT GROUND HERE IS VERY UNSTABLE AND PRONE TO COLLAPSE. I was lucky not to be killed there last year when a bank collapsed, rolled outward (I thought I was far back enough for safety - I was wrong) and crushed me. Never undermine and under no circumstances ever climb in underneath an excavation.
Thanks Lefty i am glad for all the information on this place as me my husband and my kids cant wait to get up there and have a look at whats around.... We dont leave any rubbish around where we go 4x4 or camping whatever we take in we take out .... why i have all of yous taking i have a found a few things in our travels which i would like to know what they are but i cant post photos as yet as i am a newbie.
Up around biggenden, mt perry, cania, monal goldfields, we do alot of camping so we look up out of the way places that look interesting that we can fossick around
Great looking crystals ..we were going to go out yesterday but our little old staffy of 18 years passed away and the kids were to upset to go so next weekend we will be out there
Thanks guys,no purple in these one's AtomRat,they are a light smokey colour.
I hope to find an Amethyst version of this at Lowmead one day, got to be there somewhere :)
Hope you have some luck Wazza/mechia.

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