Anymore hot air and bullcrap from politicians and other law/rule makers and the whole country will spontaneously self combust.
Poor smoker is again treated like a criminal and an idiot while minding their own business in their own car, most smokers are sensible and there are big fines for those who are not.
Many times I've been enjoying a ciggi having a seive or pan and someone rocks up with a stinky pump and highbanker and fills the area with fumes, still I don't say anything, it's legal......

Fun to watch also.
Disposable nappies ( while we are on the topic of rubbish), every national park and a lot fossicking spots seem to have piles of them springing up everywhere. Dunno why people can't just use old style ones and wash them like in the good ol days. Ban these for sure.
Diesel, stuff will kill you if you breathe enough of the fine particulates diesel engines spew out. Probably worse than smoking but no one says anything. Ban it.
Sitting around a campfire huffing huge volumes of smoke with the kids while wanting to threaten violence if you go near a kid with a lit ciggi. Ban campfires, too unhealthy.
There's an endless amount of annoying human habits and behavior that should be banned but the poor smoker deserves a break, at nearly $30 a pack I reckon I have the right to smoke anywhere in my own private home or vehicle whenever choose. Anyone who thinks otherwise thinks way too much........ about other peoples stuff........ and should worry more about their
Most of the big fires last year were started by idiot kids looking for a cheap thrill, lightning strikes, the miltary playing with explosives

and powerlines coming down.