golddiggerart said:Awesome Smoky, you've got some nice juicy beachesourway mate....Parks ain't half bad either...
OOPS meant to be Your way... lol
golddiggerart said:Awesome Smoky, you've got some nice juicy beachesourway mate....Parks ain't half bad either...
Good on ya mate..They never get it all..Good luck and looking forward to seeing your finds.. :Y:Meller9.3 said:Good Stuff Smoky, Youre inspiring me. Ive got lots of tourist beaches here, im sure others hammer them but will be googling how to detect beaches properly now. Got to be in it to win it ?
Yer Dave will go over it again it's only a small park but the trip was cut sort because the new pointer stopped working. :argh:Dave79 said:That toothy think is damn cool, wonder if it's a fossilized feline tooth. Might have to give that spot a bit more flogging!
That's it mate.....El cheapo market jewleryHeatho said:Cool find there Smoky, same as this one.
Smoky bandit said:Hi GDA and Danny.
Not silver guys it's just cheapo horse saddle bling. :Y:
Smoky bandit said:Haha yer mate my daughter has 6 different types of saddles the most expensive is around the 3k mark and it has cheapo costume bling on it as well :Y: