I've been working on a small field-servicable, no welds, wheel-barrow mounted jaw crusher
that and runs off 12v for a while now.
As I'm not an engineer, I've been using the Thomas Edison approach,
ie: I've stolen, copied, and found many ways to NOT make one that works,
and where I'm at so far means It isn't perfect by any means,
and I've yet to give it a test run with actual materials,
but it's getting there....
The original plan involved using Triangular ******* files as crushing teeth, but that proved a lot harder than I thought, so I've substituted High tensile bolts for the mo while I get the bugger working
I tried to post a quick vid of some test runs, but the vids still end up too big to post,
So you'll just have to wait till I post a vid on youtube of the first succesfull test run
You can call me a crush-teaser if you like ;-)