I have a 20ish TPH trommel that has a tired sluice that needs replacing, and I am trying to design a new one suitable for our placer operation that contains everything from 20g nuggets down to the fines.
While I am inexperienced at prospecting, I have a basic understanding of fluid dynamics so I am hoping to be able to give it a red-hot shot.
Currently, I am working on the following design:
1: A short section of Hungarian riffles to collect the nuggets.
2: A section of miner's moss and expanded mesh to collect the bulk of the rest.
3: A slick plate section to stratify the... dirt. (is there a name for the stuff running through a sluice?)
Now the part I could use assistance with is the best way of collecting the fines. What's the verdict on vortex matting vs moss+expanded metal in these larger systems?
So if you had free reign to design a 24" wide sluice with no practical length restrictions, what would you do differently?
While I am inexperienced at prospecting, I have a basic understanding of fluid dynamics so I am hoping to be able to give it a red-hot shot.
Currently, I am working on the following design:
1: A short section of Hungarian riffles to collect the nuggets.
2: A section of miner's moss and expanded mesh to collect the bulk of the rest.
3: A slick plate section to stratify the... dirt. (is there a name for the stuff running through a sluice?)
Now the part I could use assistance with is the best way of collecting the fines. What's the verdict on vortex matting vs moss+expanded metal in these larger systems?
So if you had free reign to design a 24" wide sluice with no practical length restrictions, what would you do differently?