HI All,
Great forum, stumbled upon it a about a year ago, I've been a Long time lurker, only recently joined up to the forum and this is my first half assed serious post about an idea/ripoff i've had in my head for a bit.
Recently moved on from my last position in project management for engineering company here in Bendigo, finding it difficult to find work, and having plenty of time on my hands between looking for work, interviews and timewasters, I relieve the boredom by researching different gold recovery techniques and ideas. i've come up with a few ideas and based on other peoples on the net and what not.
So i've become relatively familiar with google sketch up and have drawn up a few different things (for other projects and dreams around the home and up the river and what not previously), is a very helpful tool for basic design and planning and getting a basic look and feel for something for the simple man, sorry digressing a little.
Im not sure how to upload a pdf of it (the rock washer), i'm not sure i have the permissions as yet.
So im looking at making up a "Fluid bed sluice" and possible manufacturing/producing a qty after i have the design right and get it working correctly.
Having said that i don't want them to cost an arm and a leg either. If i can cover $ for materials + $ for my time + $ for any other costs to manufacture i'll be happy.
So they are basically a twin decked sluice approx 1m long x 400mm wide x 120mm high and taper down to about 160mm wide x 120 high at the discharge end of the sluice. They have a fluid bed at the end with a grate system to classify the larger rocks and stop the clogging the lower section.
So my thoughts (this is all still theoretical at this stage) are this thing is going to need a **** tonne of water flow through this thing for the fluid bed to work properly? So my theory was to catch as much water as practical and funnel it into a smaller area the creating higher water pressure with minimal water restriction and turbulence in the process? the magic happens by the fluidisation of the caught material in the small catch chamber, when the water flows through the multiple pipes each with a enough holes to cover the surface area of the intake of the pipe (hope that makes sense?). Thats my theory anyways.
My other thought is that i would like to make these so that they could be used both in a creek or river, as well as a recirc system at home with a manifold arrangement rigged up to a pump, possibly with a header box.
I also i think im going to change my current design to include a removable concentrates tray/trap so that the sluice is not disturbed when cleaning out, however from what i've seen you can pretty much run one at this size for several hours before needing to clean up, perhaps i'll make two options?
I will probably make a design for a much smaller version that could work in much slower water flow say in some smaller creeks and the like, once i get the gist of the fluid dynamics of it all (That last bit was MUS.).
Once i am able to post pics i will reveal what i have come up with to date,
Feel free to comment or make any suggestions relating to my post,
Cheers GFC07
P.S. In case you where wondering
MUS = Made Up **** (Quoted from Military TLA's & NTLA's)
TLA = Three letter acronym
NTLA = Non Three letter Acronym

Great forum, stumbled upon it a about a year ago, I've been a Long time lurker, only recently joined up to the forum and this is my first half assed serious post about an idea/ripoff i've had in my head for a bit.
Recently moved on from my last position in project management for engineering company here in Bendigo, finding it difficult to find work, and having plenty of time on my hands between looking for work, interviews and timewasters, I relieve the boredom by researching different gold recovery techniques and ideas. i've come up with a few ideas and based on other peoples on the net and what not.
So i've become relatively familiar with google sketch up and have drawn up a few different things (for other projects and dreams around the home and up the river and what not previously), is a very helpful tool for basic design and planning and getting a basic look and feel for something for the simple man, sorry digressing a little.
Im not sure how to upload a pdf of it (the rock washer), i'm not sure i have the permissions as yet.
So im looking at making up a "Fluid bed sluice" and possible manufacturing/producing a qty after i have the design right and get it working correctly.
Having said that i don't want them to cost an arm and a leg either. If i can cover $ for materials + $ for my time + $ for any other costs to manufacture i'll be happy.
So they are basically a twin decked sluice approx 1m long x 400mm wide x 120mm high and taper down to about 160mm wide x 120 high at the discharge end of the sluice. They have a fluid bed at the end with a grate system to classify the larger rocks and stop the clogging the lower section.
So my thoughts (this is all still theoretical at this stage) are this thing is going to need a **** tonne of water flow through this thing for the fluid bed to work properly? So my theory was to catch as much water as practical and funnel it into a smaller area the creating higher water pressure with minimal water restriction and turbulence in the process? the magic happens by the fluidisation of the caught material in the small catch chamber, when the water flows through the multiple pipes each with a enough holes to cover the surface area of the intake of the pipe (hope that makes sense?). Thats my theory anyways.
My other thought is that i would like to make these so that they could be used both in a creek or river, as well as a recirc system at home with a manifold arrangement rigged up to a pump, possibly with a header box.
I also i think im going to change my current design to include a removable concentrates tray/trap so that the sluice is not disturbed when cleaning out, however from what i've seen you can pretty much run one at this size for several hours before needing to clean up, perhaps i'll make two options?
I will probably make a design for a much smaller version that could work in much slower water flow say in some smaller creeks and the like, once i get the gist of the fluid dynamics of it all (That last bit was MUS.).
Once i am able to post pics i will reveal what i have come up with to date,
Feel free to comment or make any suggestions relating to my post,
Cheers GFC07
P.S. In case you where wondering
MUS = Made Up **** (Quoted from Military TLA's & NTLA's)
TLA = Three letter acronym
NTLA = Non Three letter Acronym