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Gold Prospecting Terminology - Alphabetical List

Prospecting Australia

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Great idea. Maybe a little down the track though, time is in short supply at the moment but it's certainly something to consider.
Some to me obvious, handed down to me by my Father, although I think some may disagree.

A Speck of gold = up to 1 ounce.

A slug of gold = up to 10 ounces.

A nugget of gold = 10 ounce or over.
Travelling Stock Reserve - crown reserves managed by the LHPA (Livestock Health & Pest Authority) that were historically used for stock movements. Still used now under lease for stock usually by adjoining landholders. Can be used freely for walking, fishing, swimming etc & can be used for overnight camping, fossicking etc. under permit which is usually no problem to obtain.
Thanks guys, as a newbie these terms are another new language and an invaluable one. I know that as time goes on, it will become second nature but you have to know them for that to happen. Much appreciated :)
I wish I read this at the start, spent hours on a hot rock yesterday, dug about an 8 inch hole and when you only have one leg and had a brocken back, its bloody hard work...

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad: :mad:

Thanks Nugget. It never hurts to re-hash some of the basic terminologies.
I like Redfin's "how to size your gold".

A Speck of gold = up to 1 ounce.

A slug of gold = up to 10 ounces.

A nugget of gold = 10 ounce or over.
Remember if you don't learn somethin' new each day-you aint livin'
Hey guys,
Great glossary lists. Us newbies can look a little foolish when conversing with fellow detectors, trying to sound knowledgeable.
These lists certainly help. That's why I love this site, everyone is upfront.
Emu egg - A single lonely nugget found on virgin soil but no other gold in the vicinity! "Caution" emu eggs cause great frustration, copious swearing and high blood preasure. :mad:
Here is some home made terminology :)

A measurement of time. How long it takes that leech that has been hanging around all morning to latch onto your arm the moment you start working a crevice in still water.

The warm and fuzzy feeling one has for their equipment when you check the tailings in the catch pan..and find no gold loss.

toolettes syndrome
A verbal expulsion of profanities when you realise you have left your shovel at home/back at the river.

Self-convincing belief that you will remember to avoid stepping on that wobbly boulder that put you in the creek, ..only to do it again 5 minutes later...

a phenonomen that occurs when you have a lunch break and are suddenly surrounded by a hundred skinks

Waterproof outerwear that becomes heavier through the day when you realise that home made patch job just didnt quite take.

You know you should puddle the solid grey stuff for its possible gold bearing contents -but you can't be bothered. Too clazy.

The internal anxiety one feels as you drive to your favorite spot, praying no-one else has set up camp first.

Taking 'one of a kind' rocks home only to realise that you have 324 other 'one of a kind' rocks that are identical

What an excellent first post. You have set the bar very high for yourself. I can see myself in quite a few of those definitions!

and Welcome to PA! Keep up the good work Son.



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