Hi all been busy with work so little time for fun but on the odd day i get off i work on projects in the shed this is just one.
so below is my very simple and easy to make ball mill yes i could use rods but i prefer the steel balls.
everything except for the balls and motor and rollers and some screws i got for free.
very simple setup just an old gas tank on its side with one hole cut in only one end why only one end ? i plan to rig up a pully system and only empty it out the one end with water. however it runs too fast at the moment the motor wants to pull it off the rollers and catapult it into the back fence. so im buying a reduction gearbox soon. to slow it down yes i could put a bigger pully on the motor but if i wanted to use the motor for other things i would have to keep pulling it off again depending on what i use it for of course.
so im hoping that when i get the gearbox i can hook it up and have it turn slower and put my gold Bering sands into it with water and the balls to crush it all to a very fine powder instead of a sand witch my hammer mill dose already but i only recover 90% of what is in the stone with my ball mill ill get a finer recovery that i can later separate out the gold via a blue bowl or with borax and a homemade blower wood furnace to melt it kinda like a blacksmith type but slightly different.
so below is my very simple and easy to make ball mill yes i could use rods but i prefer the steel balls.

everything except for the balls and motor and rollers and some screws i got for free.
very simple setup just an old gas tank on its side with one hole cut in only one end why only one end ? i plan to rig up a pully system and only empty it out the one end with water. however it runs too fast at the moment the motor wants to pull it off the rollers and catapult it into the back fence. so im buying a reduction gearbox soon. to slow it down yes i could put a bigger pully on the motor but if i wanted to use the motor for other things i would have to keep pulling it off again depending on what i use it for of course.
so im hoping that when i get the gearbox i can hook it up and have it turn slower and put my gold Bering sands into it with water and the balls to crush it all to a very fine powder instead of a sand witch my hammer mill dose already but i only recover 90% of what is in the stone with my ball mill ill get a finer recovery that i can later separate out the gold via a blue bowl or with borax and a homemade blower wood furnace to melt it kinda like a blacksmith type but slightly different.