Personally, I am honest with the land owner. If they ask to see what I have found, I will show them.
I'd say it was early 90s when an Old mate of mine took myself and another bloke out to a property near Windeyer to do a bit of detecting and panning. We didn't find much but the area was promising so after showing the owner our non-fortune :lol: I arranged permission to come back and do some more panning at a later date. Meanwhile, another bloke tried his luck on the property, a couple of hundred meters from where we were looking, he snagged a several ounce nugget, and apparently told the owner that he didn't find anything.
A few weeks later, I went back to see the owner and try my luck again only to find that the once friendly old gentleman was a changed man! he said no one is getting onto his property again thanks to the last bloke he let on. Then he proceeded to tell me of him overhearing in the pub about the find on his property, and the many fence jumpers since. He said "The bloke lied to me, he said he didn't find anything, that was it for me!"
Its a shame, he was a nice old bloke. I told him that most of us are decent blokes, wished him well and never returned. With modern detectors, his place would be a ... Goldmine.