axeman said:G'day mate, Im thinking along the same lines but I want to make mine portable so I can use it in the field and have it powered by a generator. I work on cattle properties and have seen some interesting rocks from time to time which I would love to hack up, for example petrified cypress pine, beautiful when polished. I've seen powered hacksaws converted to slab saws. Maybe convert an old table saw, I'll see what I can find on the net.
axeman said:G'day Headsup, The rocks in question would range from gob-stopper, golf ball size and the odd one up to bowling ball size. Now how's this for an idea, a concrete saw with a diamond tipped blade mounted on a adjustable pedestal for the biggens and a smaller version for the smaller ones. The next trick (stunt) would be to hold them maybe a machinist vice?.