Balx said:If they ban sluices and highbankers I'm getting a six inch dredge! 8.(
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :lol:
Balx said:If they ban sluices and highbankers I'm getting a six inch dredge! 8.(
Fellow diggers, outraged at the unaccountable conduct of the camp officials, in such a wicked licence hunt at the point of the bayonet as the one this morning, we take it as an insult to our manhood and a challenge to the determination come from the monster meeting yesterday. Now I call on you to fall into divisions of 80 men, according to your weapons, and to choose your captains from the best men among you. It is my duty now to swear you in, and to take with you the oath to be faithful to the Southern Cross. Hear me with attention. The man who, after this solemn oath does not stand by our standard, is a coward at heart. I order all persons who do not intend to take the oath, to leave the meeting at once. Let all divisions under arms fall in, in their order round the flagstaff. We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other, and fight to defend our rights and liberties.
colinm_au said:For those wishing to know more ... Google VEAC and Prospecting .... The reports are worth reading
After reading the entire report ... It is pretty hard to argue that digging up streambeds has no impact on the environment in a National Parks context ... Extending the findings to crown land is perverse given the environmental damage logging/clear felling contributes.
What I would like to know is if the changes proposed relate to National Park prospecting only or are to be applied to State Forest as well
After watching the latest Catalyst, a few prospectors sluicing in streams is the least of our problems!
The Los Conches fire was so intense that a metre of soil was vaporized and all the trees killed ... Massive landscape change
Goldpick said:I was so incensed by that interview, that I just had to write an email to the Greens office outlining how misinformed they are. The woman in the interview was Christine Milne, and regardless of any creative editing, she implies that sluicing is actually hydraulic sluicing from her description, or at least she wants the average joe to think so.
I'm sick of politicians putting up sensationalist spin for their own gain, at the expense of the average Australian. If she cannot get her facts right, she should not be in office.
dwt said:i dont know how many of you have read the VEAC study on the affects of prospecting in creeks and streams, i just have had a scroll through what im guessing the most important section of the report is and that is the report issued by RHITHROECOLOGY Aquatic Ecology Consultancy Services. Under heading Conclusions.
"prospecting activities in streams in victorian national parks have the potential to create appreciable ecological risks. the risks will vary depending on specific location."
Now this is just before "Conclusions" under heading "How will prospecting influence these factors and processes"
"There have been no specific studies examining the impact of prospecting on the ecology of streams, however THERE HAVE BEEN A NUMBER OF STUDIES EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF EDUCTOR DREDGING. That investigation DID NOT find ANY EVIDENCES that eductor dredging had SERIOUSLY alterd invertabrate communities in ANY of the streams sampled"
Ok dwt stay calm dont hit the pc key pad to hard.......... OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....REALLY I MEAN WHAT THE HELL ARE OUR TAX PAYERS DOLLARS DOING HERE.....
I wish some of these people would wake up and do their jobs properly..HOW CAN SLUICING BE CATEGORIZED THE SAME AS DREDGING why even include something that has been banned for years and then turn around and say that no evidence was found that it can cause damage. WHAT THE FK.
I have witnessed and heard a lot of DUMB s##t in my time but sometimes i really have to wonder, i know there are members of VEAC and other environmental groups that frequent this site and read our threads, well read this, how can we as voters and tax payers take your efforts in the investigation of sustainability and environment seriously when you use outdated misleading information like this, you might want to take a step back next time you look in the mirror, pause, and think to yourself, am i doing the best job possible that im being payed for and are my decisions one day going to affect a lot more than a LARGE POWERFULL group of prospectors.
Think about it and for the love of god, do your job properly.
Kind regards
Nugget said:I'm hoping to have a petition up and running soon which will serve as a headcount of people opposed to these changes. Whether or not it'll make any difference I am not exactly sure, but it's at least it's a start.
The next step as posted above would be a mass email campaign, bombarding those responsible with our views and opinions.