Well said Madtuna.
Living in Victoria, i am not wanting to see what most likely will occur if active prospectors grow in numbers from 30 - 40,000 to 100,000 as Kane ( XIV ) has stated?
Don't forget we as a group are set to loose significant access to ground in the GT and Eastern Central ranges when the new parks are implemented.
So potentially we could get 2.5 times more unfilled detector holes, plus rubbish left at camps and creek banks dug into?
In a much smaller area thats available now.
March 2019 the state Government is set to announce its intentions on the GT area's proposed VEAC review.
With a looming federal election sometime in May 2019, and the fact that logging licences are not been renewed over
the central highlands, one can assume the Great Forest National Park is set to be proclaimed as well. 8.(
We already have lots of Prospectors, running U-Tube channels, and lots of Pay TV type prospecting shows,
that market is over saturated as it is.
In this thread, a member posted that some using just a mobile phone camera are making lots of money out of U-Tube channels?
What is lots of money? More than working a legitimate job and paying taxes? :money:
So are some prospectors willing to over promote our hobby to the point that significant damage will occur that is noticeable to all bush user groups,
and we start getting more closures and restrictions, just for personal fame and royalty payments.
A few years back when VEAC did a review requested by PMAV on potentially opening up some more areas within some National Parks, it back fired on prospectors.
No new areas where opened, the use of high bankers within National Parks was highlighted as an issue, current access to Reedy Creek @ Beechworth to Eldorado
with high bankers was ringing alarm bells with authorities, government bodies etc.
A few months later a PDF report was done on Prospecting impacts within streams.
A lot was mentioned about popular areas been visited multiple times and the potential impacts.
I think some issues need to be addressed before prospecting expands much more than current popularity.