Podcasts anyone?

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Feb 19, 2013
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Maitland, NSW
Re booting this topic. Anyone have some favourite podcasts? General knowledge is what I like.

Stuff You Should Know. It's a great general podcast with 2 Americans, Josh and Chuck. They cover a wide range of topics that seem well researched and I like their presentation style and banter. Anyone interested in trivia should have a look.

Something for everyone.

Podcasts is something I've heard about for a few years now and haven't gone into yet. No doubt there'd be some great banter about. A bit like radio talk back without the music.
Mostly I go to youtube.

Joe Rogan back catalogue for interesting content, some entertainment, some info, some great guests. The variety is endless. Switched to Spotify a few months back.

Jordan Peterson. This man can give you an education, its a bit of a miracle you can get his lectures and talks for free. Recently he started with regular guests on his show which just magnifies the amazing content, will take you in many different directions. Ive often had to watch him on his own or with a guest in longform (1.5 hours to 4 or 5) several times to really grasp what is being said.

Richard Dolan. The man has some fringe content, mostly recognised for his research in the UFO area. Its those particular long form (1 hour) clips I enjoy. One of the few places that will openly bring info you wont hear anywhere else. Jigsaw anyone? :lol:

UnchartedX. Aussie lad Ben digging deep into the mysteries of ancient sites, predominantly in Egypt and South America. Presents things in a straightforward and compelling matter that I find utterly fascinating.

These 4 would be 80% of my dedicated listening, hopefully someone finds value in them as I do.
I also use YouTube, mainly people making/doing things that I may be able to do in all the lockdown we have had -
- Restoring axes, making knives, sharpening things, garden stuff, .............
Then there is the stuff that you can't do like - travelling places (even O/S), hiking & camping, building bush shacks, You know all the stuff that you can't do, either due to CovID, age, location, etc.

I basically only watch the idiot box for news nowadays.

Rob P.
I'm interested in politics and culture, and particularly enjoy the Triggernometry podcasts on YouTube.

Each is in the format of an interview between the two hosts who are comedians and some expert or commentator and it covers the controversial issues of the day.

I enjoy listening while working around the house or sharpening knives.
I also watch YouTube. Mostly Science Space flight, Engineering, Comedy...
Podcasts are great when you can't stare at a screen. In the car on my commute to n from work, walking with the dog, cooking, cleaning etc.

Love to learn.

Thanks for the suggestions and I'll take a look at some of them.
Lex Freidman is another who has interesting guests on regularly, seems like an oversight not to mention him.

Often has science guests, but again his guest selection covers many topics and areas of interest and Lex often asks different questions to guests Ive seen elsewhere.
Podcasts for crime: Phoebes Fall and Wrong Skin by Richard Baker from The Age were good
Podcasts for history: Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History (check out the episodes "Chutzpah vs. Chutzpah" and "The Obscure Virus Club")
Podcasts for books, general interests, improvement: The Art of Manliness

The app I use is the free version of this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.podcast.podcasts&hl=en_AU&gl=US
Also Freakonomics Radio is interesting, but I guess like most things its subjective. Take a listen and tell us what you think?
Nightjar said:
Must lead a very sheltered life, have no idea what a podcast is?
Rarely watch TV, main source of today is from a radio station the likes of 1080 6IX or Curtain Radio.

A podcast is a bit like a book but audio. They are usually themed... sport, movie politics etc. The main one I listen to is general knowledge. They are broadcast regularly, weekly or whatever. You can stream.them or download to listen later.

Wiki says....

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken-word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Streaming applications and podcasting services provide a convenient and integrated way to manage a personal consumption queue across many podcast sources and playback devices. A podcast series usually features one or more recurring hosts engaged in a discussion about a particular topic or current event. Discussion and content within a podcast can range from carefully scripted to completely improvised.
Thanks RJ,
Will investigate, ebooks are great so podcasts maybe the way to go.

After doing a bit of googling will be going back to my cave..
The most popular podcast is "American Life"
Down side of podcasts:
Time consuming
Brain overload
Lack of personal interaction. (Appealing to todays youth)
As a truck driver i listen to a disgusting amount of podcasts during 12 hour shifts.
It keeps me mentally engaged and entertained in a way that music can't.

I like the true crime types alot.

Sword and scale
Generation Why
Shattered souls
Apex and the abyss
Night time podcast
Once upon a crime
Who killed Theresa
Last podcast on the left
Atlanta Monster
Dirty John
Phoebe's fall
In the dark
True murder
They walk among us
Finding Cleo
Trace evidence
Someone knows something
The teachers pet

Also some more normal podcasts like

Mysterious universe
Astonishing legends
This american life
Hardcore history
Lizard people
Darknet diaries
My dad wrote a porno
Malicious life
Joe Rogan experience
I've been listening to "our thing with Sammy the bull"

Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano (born March 12, 1945) is an American gangster who became the underboss of the Gambino crime family. This is his story.
Ramjet said:
Another good podcast is Conversations from ABC radio. An interview with an interesting human every day. It's on the radio after the 11 am news as well.
Have always enjoyed Richard Fidlers interview technique and always has interesting guests.

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