In the Koolan spirit...Koolan Island - 1970, Wandi bringing Cockatoo residents to Koolan back beach for Yampi Gift Day.
Koolan Island - 1968 Looking down onto ship and Yampi Sound. (Quite unbelievable I'm standing on the 550ft leavel taking photo, today the quarry floor is below sea level.) All the conveyors and wharf have gone.
Photo of tidal flats taken out window of the Pioneer airacraft flying to Koolan from Derby.
Wandi landing craft bring a barge along side a State Ship to unload supplies for Koolan.
Some pic's from Koolan, surrounding islands, and areas around Derby back in the 1980's (including careening our old carvel-planked yacht, and island hopping on our little 16' Hydracat (ex-Cockatoo Island):