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Palmer River.

Prospecting Australia

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Any Barra???
My boys are dying to get back there for the fishing!!
The fish should be getting up there in size by now??
NZGold Hunter found gold every day here. about a dozen pieces all up. mostly v small 0.2ish but also a 4grammer. he left today and is very happy.

Full disclosure, i have yet to crack it here but a few days still to go....
I recently witnessed 2 coin finds on the Palmerville Station, 1 was a Chinese 1866 coin with all English writing (not chines) and was in pretty good condition. Also an 1866 Shilling in another Chinese camp area there.
Hi Jeff,
Your post has been reported by some members.
So after discussion within the Mod Team, I am the one tasked to respond to the reports.
This was my reply within the Mod Room after being asked for my opinion on the matter.

[Hmm hard one.
There most definately are some disgruntled Lease holders up there with the Land holder opening this all up.
Not sure on his (jeffogold) comments about access as the access to the prospecting area is plain and simple.
Where I do see a problem, is they have opened up toward the Groganville area, which is mostly fine gold!

There are tons of leases down there, they are not fenced and wandering onto leases does occur...]

So Jeff,
As a lease holder myself up there, I do see your concerns, with access and as fires happen every year.
Calling out 'do as I please Cowboys' and 'morons' is not appropriate, especially when it is 'hard to police'.
We do not know who and how any fires start, so attaching your comments to this thread in that manner is not on mate.
Quite counterproductive in fact?

I wholeheartedly agree with doing your research before visiting ANY area!
Where I personally am in support of this Pay to Detect operation is that it gives Far Northerners a real option to get out and prospect a really good Gold field... Legally!!
They can stop poaching/stealing on the R16 and beyond!

This is a good thing for the region and FNQ prospectors.
(Note: I am not talking about the operations of the business running this, that's not my gig, but the fact that folks can get up there and explore the country is awesome IMHO!)
Hey Simmo,

If I may add to your comments, two separate miners, from separate sections of the property, have had paying prospectors show them where they have been on the maps. Twice indicating that they have been on granted mining leases. That is not on, and the seemingly flagrant disregard for people's property, and theft of gold (from those who have the right to mine) is what is raising ire. Add to that, a Landholder pushing unreasonable compensation terms, to the point of forcing Land Court processes and false claims of "biosecurity concerns". Unfilled detector holes, when fossicking conditions require backfilling, toilet paper flapping in the wind and a multitude of unwashed, uninspected 4WD's make a mockery of biosecurity obligations.

I have many more examples. I spoke with the Mines Department this morning and if the complaints keep rolling in, there will be a DoR presence, and it won't be the Miners suffering it.
Hey Crew!
Please understand, for disclosure,that my Company, leases mining tenements in the Palmer River region, although our leases are within the R16 reserve.
The R16 reserve does not allow prospecting unless permitted by a lease holder..

A prospecting area for the general public, in the Palmer River Region as a whole has been wanted for a long time.
That opportunity was denied by previous Pastoral lease holders of Palmerville Station.
The new 'Pastoral lease owner' of Palmerville Station has allegedly decided to put a business venture together and allow 'Pay to Detect' type operations to commence.

In my view, this is a good thing, we need a GPA.
However, it was always going to be dangerous because opening up big parcels of land as a whole 'free for all', when small-miners have to specifically indicate boundaries and access tracks to their leases etc..... and where there are no fences to their leases...

Palmerville Gold state 'Pay to Detect', 'This is the general area' and for $XXX 'This is the Season pass area'
They are doing this with the permission of the Pastoral Lease Holder in conjunction with the Traditional owners.

There is nothing more that Prospecting Australia can do, apart from do what we do and report on Prospecting!!

Should Miners or interested parties have issues , PA advises take those issues to the relevant authority or seek legal advice.

Hope these attach ok for you.

Two Files, Palmerville Selection is in Ozi-Explorer format so just load as text file in Ozi Explorer.

the other is for those that don't have Ozi-Explorer you can view them in Google earth, if you click on each waypoint you will see more details of gold found.


  • Palmerville Selection.txt
    16.6 KB
  • Palmerville Selection as KML.zip
    4.5 KB