Canteen and cup, can collect and boil water. Tweezers, mainly for picking small gold, but handy to use as...tweezers!
snake bite bandage, can be used for bad cuts or as rope. Toilet paper in a waterproof bag....can be used to start a fire or to wipe your date, bic lighter and waterproof/windproof matches, packet of lifesvers, cable ties have multiple uses including torneque(better to have a limb amputated than to bleed to death, remote remember) also handy to use to fix stuff, detector cables etc, and a strip of panadine. A decent knife. Used to carry a lethermans, only reason I dont now, is I lost it.....
That stuff weighs nearly nothing and although its a pain sometimes, im always glad to have it.
snake bite bandage, can be used for bad cuts or as rope. Toilet paper in a waterproof bag....can be used to start a fire or to wipe your date, bic lighter and waterproof/windproof matches, packet of lifesvers, cable ties have multiple uses including torneque(better to have a limb amputated than to bleed to death, remote remember) also handy to use to fix stuff, detector cables etc, and a strip of panadine. A decent knife. Used to carry a lethermans, only reason I dont now, is I lost it.....
That stuff weighs nearly nothing and although its a pain sometimes, im always glad to have it.